Page 77 of Enduring Caine
I nodded, fiddling with the espresso cup in front of me, consciously keeping my hand away from Johann’s scrap of paper I’d tucked back into my pocket. “Still in bed. Discovering Johann was a shock. It took her a while to fall asleep.”
In truth, it had taken us both quite a while, but that was our own doing. When we woke, I’d insisted she stay in bed longer, to maintain the ruse of distraught woman. She’d frowned, and I’d reminded her that this was not like visiting each other’s families over Christmas. We didn’t need her to impress these men. What mattered here was that no one pointed any fingers at us.
Unfortunately, that statement had only increased her displeasure. Some part of her brain agreed with me, but it was a much quieter part than the side wanting to do more than lounge around.
Henri came out from the kitchen carrying a tray laden with breakfast pastries and cookies.
“Not like our remarkable chef,” said Cristian. “Henri didn’t miss a beat after all the excitement.”
“Work’s the best distraction,” said Henri.
Giovanni took a sip from his cappuccino, as though we were discussing moving on after our football team lost, not after one of the men died. Or was killed. “Good man.”
The chef placed the tray between the three of us and stepped back. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Privacy,” said Zio Giovanni.
Henri nodded and withdrew, closing the door to the kitchen.
I surveyed the pastries, finding nothing appetizing. My stomach had been doing somersaults the entire morning. What if Giovanni changed his mind about the camera? Had he told Cristian? Was there a backup of the video showing her drop it?
“Did you discover anything about Johann, Zio?”
Cristian responded. “We have video of him entering the wine cellar, but no one else between that and when Henri arrived with your girlfriend. Leo’s slowly eliminating candidates, such as the obvious ones like Papa, myself, and you. We know when he was last seen alive, so Leo’s tracking down proof for each other person, confirming their whereabouts. It’s slow going.”
“And—” Giovanni scowled. “—nothing for sure about the spy camera. Leo suspects it was one of the crate delivery men, and I’m inclined to agree. They were not supposed to be here yesterday, so it makes sense to suggest they had ulterior motives.”
Relief unknotted the twists in my stomach. He hadn’t changed his mind.
“As Henri said, work is the best distraction.” I raised my espresso to my mouth, inhaling the deep roasted scent, attempting to find calm. “Samantha was hoping she could join in the investigation into what happened to Johann. She’s not with the police, but her insurance investigations provide her with skills, which may help.”
Giovanni looked at Cristian, face impassive. “What do you think?”
“You’re leaving today, aren’t you?” asked Cristian.
“After the surprise arrives, whenever that is.” That was the limit of my promise to Giovanni. And once it was done, Samantha and I would finally escape to Napoli.
Gio placed his cup on the table and plucked a maritozzo from the tray, coated in powdered sugar and filled with some sort of cream. “Do you think she can work with Leonardo? His experience in leading the team is different from this job.”
Another surprise from my uncle. Samantha had insisted I offer her aid, and the only reason I’d agreed was because I was certain they’d say no.
“She’s more accustomed to using words to discover the truth, rather than her fists,” I said. “However, if he can control his tongue, I’m sure she could be of some assistance before we go.” Perhaps I’d return the note to her, so she could produce it as evidence, proving her worth.
Giovanni looked toward the archway behind me, and I turned in my seat.
Vincenzo nodded to Giovanni and approached the table, looking at me. “Pardon the intrusion, but I heard Samantha didn’t come to breakfast this morning. Did you see her? How’s she feeling?”
“I did see her—she stayed with me last night.” I lifted one eyebrow, making my message clear: she was in my bed and we did far more than sleep. It was petty, but every time this former flame of hers came anywhere near her, all I wanted was to shove him into a wall.
Vincenzo looked at Giovanni and back at me, a polite smile decorating his irritatingly attractive face.
Giovanni knocked on the table, and everyone turned to him. “She wants to help Leonardo with his investigation into Johann’s death.”
“A generous offer.” Vincenzo’s head cocked. “Does she have some idea of what happened?”
“She seems to be a smart woman.” Giovanni’s gaze met mine, and all I could see was him destroying the video of her dropping the camera last night. “Another set of eyes never hurts.”
I patted my mouth with a napkin, wishing to escape my uncle’s scrutiny. Even though I’d stood up to him once, it clearly would not become a habit. “I’ll wake her and let her know.”