Page 97 of Enduring Caine
Leo gestured to the two guards. “We’ve listened to it at least fifteen times. I don’t know what it means.”
“This adds more questions to the pile, doesn’t it?” I ran a hand through my hair and gripped the back of my neck. Thoughts swam through my brain, and I’d had too much wine to make sense of most of them. “Chief among them, who closed the door without telling anyone Johann was lying there? Unless it’s on a timer?”
Leo’s focus remained on the screen in front of him. “It’s not. The mechanism is very strong. If it was natural causes, perhaps he collapsed as the door was opening, and it pushed him against the wall. Heart attack? Stroke? Aneurysm? We haven’t received any of those details from the autopsy yet. But his body would have been hidden when the door was open, so someone could have closed it and never known.”
“But…” I closed my eyes, trying to shake some sobriety into my brain. “No one else came in or out before Samantha got down there, and the door certainly was not open when she arrived.”
Cristian massaged his temples. “I’ve had too much to drink to figure this out tonight.”
“I feel the same.” I clapped a hand on my cousin’s shoulder. My brain was not processing properly, but my gut told me I was being foolish wandering around the estate drunk. Samantha sometimes confessed to the hairs prickling at the back of her neck the instant her subconscious realized something bad was happening; this was similar. “Have you found out why he was down there?”
“Henri mentioned Samantha’s tour to him. It could have been a thank you to Henri for all the time they spent in the kitchen together. Or…” Leo leaned back in the chair and glowered up at me. “Johann liked your woman, so perhaps he went down to make sure everything was ready for her little visit?”
I let out a sigh. Attempting to punch Leo earlier had been stupid. If nothing else, this week reminded me I’d grown beyond these men and our petty squabbles. Had he been nicer to Samantha from the get-go, things would have gone far smoother. “Leo, I’m sorry.”
His lip curled. “You’re drunk.”
“Sì, but this is beside the point.” I pressed a hand to my heart. “About our discussion earlier, I was in the wrong. I’d like to move past that.”
The two guards working became suddenly rather interested in a display at the far end of the control center. My gaze snapped to it but saw nothing. They were avoiding the conversation.
Leo’s snarl lessened slightly. That was an improvement.
“Mi dispiace,” I said. “This is not the time to discuss it.”
A knock came on the window inset in the door, and we turned to see Vincenzo. He entered the room, two small cups balanced on a tray, the scent of coffee filling my lungs. “I didn’t expect all of you here or I would have brought more.”
“Grazie,” said the standing guard as he took a cup.
“You’re supposed to be working the tower,” said Leo. “Where’s Henri? He normally delivers the food and drink.”
“Asleep, I think.” Vincenzo shrugged his pretty little shoulders. “He had a long day with the visitors and dinner.”
The smell of the beans overwhelmed the small space. I turned to Cristian. “We should go for some coffee.”
“It might help you get into your room tonight,” he chuckled. “I don’t think she was impressed with your condition.”
“Samantha’s already upstairs?” asked Vincenzo.
Leonardo stood, taking up more space than was comfortable in the room. He looked down at me, grinding his teeth. My apology must have impacted him, as he neither made a barb at me, nor did he encourage Vincenzo to visit her. “I could use a coffee, too.”
“Perfetto.” Cristian navigated his way around Leonardo and held the door open. “Let’s all go, like old times.”
“Except this time will be coffee, not more alcohol,” said Leonardo.
Chapter 42
Istaredatmyselfin the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Bloodshot eyes, drooping lids, and limp hair. What a sight. Despite that, Antonio’s last words were about how beautiful he thought I looked. I spit the toothpaste into the sink and washed it down the drain.
He was hopeless.
And how long would he be up with Cristian? It was late and I was tired, but I didn’t want to fall asleep while he was still out there without a key. The smart thing would have been to force him upstairs with me. Or at least have him walk me up here so he could have kept it.
There was a knock at the door, so I dropped the toothbrush into its holder and ran my fingers through my hair to liven it up. Almost pinched my cheeks to add a rosy glow. He’d still be too drunk to notice, anyway.
He was sober enough for me to tease, though.