Page 45 of The Eagle's Vault
Jayce bolted upright, sleep mask coming off in one swift motion. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, rubbing her face with a sigh. “Enough talking. Let’s get some breakfast.”
“Breakfast?” I eased up on my elbows, trying to play it cool. “Is that what you want?”
“Leigh…” Jayce’s dark gaze fastened onto me. “Have you ever made a decision for yourself?”
Something about Jayce’s directness threw me. I was more accustomed to people who said one thing and meant another. Said something nice and meant something… not nice.
Jayce lifted her brows and crossed her arms. “It’s a simple question. It seems you always do what others tell you. And if no one gives you a command, you’re asking what they want. You deflect. Do you ever make your own choices?”
I swallowed hard. I made decisions.
Didn’t I?
Memories of Finn flipped through my brain. He’d constantly overridden my choices, my wants, until everything I did was at his direction. Then there was Isaac, who’d insisted I wait for him to show me Rome, turning my solo sightseeing aspirations into shared expeditions that never came.
“Yeah,” I muttered, tracing the pattern on the blanket. “I just have a lot of people who look out for me.”
“And that means you should erase everything you want?”
“It would be rude to make them worry. They care about me. I’m lucky to have them.” It was easier to go with the flow.
Jayce didn’t answer right away. She just watched me, her gaze holding an unreadable expression. She wasn’t judging me; it was more like she was trying to understand, trying to see the world through my eyes. “Do you think that’s what’s happening now, Leigh? You think I’m being forced to look out for you?”
“Scarlett told you to stay with me, even though Isaac said he could—”
“And you think you’re making me do something I don’t want to do?”
“I’m forcing you to sit here, to talk, when you want to…” I trailed off, unsure. Did she want to sleep? To eat? I found myself back at square one. “What do you want, Jayce?”
She sighed, sliding off the bed. “I want breakfast, Leigh.”
Relief flooded me. A decision made. I pushed myself out of bed and grabbed some clothes.
As Jayce dressed, she said, “I want to eat, Leigh. So we’re eating. I’d also love some sleep, but you’re obviously still a ball of nerves and we have more to discuss. Plus, breakfast is being served downstairs.”
My body was exhausted, but she was right. There was no way my brain would calm down anytime soon.
“Let’s get one thing clear, though. I’m not being forced to do anything. I like you. And I’d say you’re better off spending your time with someone as awesome as me, rather than being cooped up with your brother’s misery.” She pulled on her shoes and glanced at me with a smirk. “But hey, if you’re looking for a different bodyguard, there’s always Declan. I bet he’d be more than happy to guard your body.”
I had to keep thoughts about Declan firmly planted in the back of my brain—where they belonged. “Do you think Edoardo went to the police? Could we end up in jail?”
Jayce and I walked through the hallway, taking the stairs winding around the central elevator.
Nearing the main floor, I blurted out, “Do you think the notebook’s owner will come after me? Would I be safer at home in Boston?”
Jayce paused on the bottom step, turning to look up at me. “If they do, Boston won’t be any safer than Rome. You’re under Scarlett’s protection here. You’re as safe as you can be, anywhere.”
“But what about...” I bit down on my lip. “What about the kidnapping Rav mentioned? Emmett, I think? If they got to him—”
“You’re a sharp one.” Jayce resumed her walk to the lobby. “Some bad guys took Emmett a few weeks back, but he was alone when it happened.” She waved a dismissive hand. “Well, not exactly alone. He was with Malcolm. But Malcolm wasn’t part of the team then, and I probably shouldn’t be spilling those details.”
Only a few weeks ago? Malcolm seemed to fit in with the crew better than that.
She waggled a finger in my direction as I came into step beside her. “My point is, the team hopped a flight to London and then to Venice at a moment’s notice to get Emmett back. That’s the kind of crew you’re with now. So yes, you’re safer here with us.”
Reynolds Recoveries was a tight-knit group, tighter even than Barton Safes. We used to have that kind of closeness at work. Over the last few months, my relationship with Isaac had soured. The longer I was with Finn, the more every relationship in my life had collapsed.