Page 36 of The Scarab's Game
“No need,” said Dante. “I also have a great deal of work to do, so I’ll still be here. I’ll be certain she makes it back to the hotel safely.”
Emmett didn’t look at Dante. Throughout the whole exchange, he just stared at me. It was unnerving. “I told Dante about the break-in at your hotel. And while I appreciate his offer, I promised my sister I’d watch out for you.”
Dante added, “Security will be here, as will two of our men reviewing the inventory. Plus, Jean-Philippe.”
Emmett gave me a smile that was somehow less genuine than the one he’d given Dante earlier. He came closer and kissed my cheek, causing my heart to bounce. “Call me ten minutes before you leave.”
The same thing my father used to say. I always had to check in. Always had to let him know where I’d be. Still, for some reason, I said, “I will.”
Emmett left, pausing at the door to look at me over his shoulder. That strange tension didn’t leave his face. What did it mean?
His shoes clacked on the polished floor and gradually faded away until the chime over the door announced his departure.
Air filled my lungs again. What was it about that man? How did he irritate me so much, yet every time he got close, my body reacted like he was a special drug designed just for me?
Dante leaned his elbows on the worktable across from me. “You cannot keep working for seven more hours without food. I’m starving. I’m going to order something, and I’ll order some for you. Eat or don’t eat, that’s your choice. But there will be food here for you within thirty minutes.”
I discarded the cotton ball, covered in its brown gunk. “That, I can do. Let me know how much.”
“Business expense.” The corner of his lips lifted. “You’re of no use to me if you can’t complete this painting.”
“At least you won’t be withholding food until I’m done?”
“I won’t. Plus, you and I are having dinner once you finish for the day. After reconciling accounts for so long, I’ll need a good meal and good company.”
“No, thank?—”
He held up a finger to stop me. “You will also be of no use to me tomorrow unless your belly is full tonight and you get a restful sleep.”
Were the bags under my eyes—which I’d tried to cover with makeup—that obvious?
“It’s a business expense.” He winked as he pushed off the table. “Youarehere for business, are you not?”
I was.
But somehow, it felt like he was asking for more.
Chapter 14
Dante heldhis wineglass up as the sommelier retreated from our table. “What shall we toast to this evening?”
Like a good girl, I’d called Emmett ten minutes before eight o’clock, as Dante and I were preparing to leave. I still hadn’t heard from Dr. Ferraro, so I’d simply cleaned the Constable until the gallery closed. Emmett had tried five different ways to convince me not to go to dinner and come directly back to the hotel. He’d even offered to take me out himself, if that was what I wanted.
Instead, I told him Dante had already made reservations at Le Ciel, a rooftop restaurant on the far side of the Monte Carlo Casino, and that I’d be back when I was done. Emmett had told me to enjoy myself, as though it were his choice, not mine. Honestly, I’d been surprised he hadn’t insisted I call to let him know when I was walking back.
“To this amazing view.” I raised my glass toward the railing next to us, inhaling the hint of the sea wafting in from the Mediterranean. It was the only glass I’d have all night. It was late, and I was exhausted—more than one would put me to sleep where I sat. Before taking a sip, I shifted the glass in his direction. “And to new friends.”
Dante’s smile widened as our glasses clinked, his dark eyes never leaving mine. “And to beautiful women with a passion for art.”
Heat flared up my cheeks, and I covered the blush with one hand as I returned the glass to the table.
Dante reached over and moved my hand. “You’re embarrassed by this?”
“No, it’s…” I glanced away from him. “I’m just not used to…”
“To what?” His thumb traced over the back of my hand in a gesture so delicate, the hairs on my neck stood up. This didn’t feel like a business dinner.