Page 38 of The Scarab's Game
“Jenn, my father also taught me how to read people. You and Emmett have more history than either of you will admit to, I think.”
Our history included all of one kiss. A hand that drifted, but didn’t touch anything off-limits. It included years of my father’s judgment. Half my life, being close to Emmett, but never close enough.
“Sometimes, I find brilliant women miss things that are right in front of them.”
What was I missing, other than living my own life? Tasting the flavors of the world?
“But if you tell me your heart does not belong to him, you and I will have our night together. As many nights as you want, until you leave.”
I don’t belong to Emmett. The denial sat awkwardly in the pit of my stomach. Part of me always wanted him, despite everything. Or maybe because of everything. Because he’d rejected me, and I never got over it? Childish imprinting? Craving the bad boy?
“I thought so.” He sighed. “Before my ego insists I attempt to seduce you anyway—which will lead to neither of us having what we want—can we make a promise to each other?”
Dante genuinely wanted me. Only for a few nights, but he did. And he was honest about it. When was the last time that happened? Actually, it happened three boyfriends ago. The co-worker who stole my plans at work.
He hadn’t really wanted the sex anyway. He wanted my ideas.
But Dante? He’d wanted the night, and rather than pushing it, he was pushing… whatwashe pushing? He was turning me down, wasn’t he?
I was so tired, and nothing made any sense.
“We shall be friends, you and I.” Dante brought my fingers to his lips. “You will allow me to continue flirting with you. No expectations of anything to come later, simply one single man enjoying the company of a stunning, almost-single woman. Is this fair?”
“I don’t understand, Dante.”
He continued holding my hand, resting my fingers against his chin. “How long has he been in love with you?”
Air spluttered out of my lungs, and I almost laughed. “Since never.”
“As I said…” He pulled my fingers to his lips and kissed them again. “Brilliant women…”
Chapter 15
Across the restaurant,Dante paused in kissing Jenn’s hand long enough to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. He smiled at her, and my fist sent a message to my brain that punching him would relieve a lot of my tension.
She was still wearing the navy blouse she’d worn to the gallery. The setting sun painted her with a soft glow, as warm as the blush that normally decorated her cheeks. If I were sitting across the table from her, I’d be able to see the candles flickering in her dark blue eyes. She’d be smiling atme,nothim.
Her hair was tied back in a low ponytail, letting too many strands escape its hold. A knot tightened in my gut. Every one of them was a target for Dante.
“She deserves better.” My words came out closer to a growl than I’d intended. Hell, they came from my outside voice. Also not what I’d intended.
Rav nudged me with his foot under the table. “Jealous?”
Hardly jealous. Jenn deserved someone better than me, too. But Dante was a criminal, and she refused to listen to my warnings.
“He’s working with Fenix, for fuck’s sake.” I had the poker chip out of its home in my pocket, unable to stop clenching thetiny thing. “Why are we letting this go on? She should be on a goddamn plane home.”
“We already talked about that.” Rav shifted in his seat so I couldn’t see Dante anymore. “If Fenix wants her, she’s safer close to us, where we can watch out for her. And if I recall, keeping her here wasyouridea.”
How much had I missed while she was working through the afternoon and evening? What had Dante said? Had Enzo come back early? Jenn looked happy, which meant she was oblivious to what was really going on, other than the potentially fake painting. That was my fault, in part. We’d kept her in the dark about what we genuinely did for years.
Iwas the one putting her in danger.
“Have you figured anything out from the bug in her room?” I asked Rav.
He shook his head. “It was deactivated this morning.”