Page 6 of Mistaken Intention
“Well, don’t. It’s bad for you.”
She’s not wrong.
“What time does Drew’s flight get in?” I ask, just to show an interest.
“Around three, I think. He’s sent me the details, so I’ll check the flights are on time before I leave your place. The last thing I need is to be waiting at the airport for hours when I’ve got Maisie with me.”
I don’t doubt that. “Assuming he’s coming in on time, I won’t get home from work before you leave.”
“No, but if it’s okay with you, I’ll be coming back.”
“Oh? When?”
“I can’t be sure yet. I’ve left it up to Drew how long he wants us to stay with him, but once we’re through there, I need to spend some time in Boston.”
“You do?”
“Yes. It’s kinda complicated and I haven’t talked it all through with Drew yet. He knows I’m coming back to Boston, but not why, so…”
“Y—You’re not getting back together with him, are you?” My stomach lurches at the thought. I might not be able to be with him myself, but the idea of him and Lexi getting together again is more than I can contemplate.
“Of course not.” I try to disguise my sigh, hoping she won’t hear it. “It’s nothing like that. We like things just as they are. He always makes us welcome when we visit him in Newport, and we’ve got our own rooms in his house.”
“And does he still stay at that hotel when he comes to you in New York?”
“Yes. It works better that way.”
Better than what, I’m not sure, but she seems happy enough.
“Why do you need to come back to Boston?” I ask.
“I’ll explain when I see you. Like I say, it’s kinda complicated, and Maisie’s due to wake up any minute now.”
“We’ll see you tomorrow evening.”
We end our call, and I put my phone on the couch, letting my head rock back. My stomach’s churning with nerves… not about seeing my step-sister or her daughter, but about whatever it is she’s planning, how it might involve Drew, and if it might involve me, too.
“Is everything okay?” Hunter asks.
“Sure it is.”
Why wouldn’t it be? I’m sitting in the Presidential Suite of the Hotel d’Estate in Rome, surrounded by wood-paneled walls, an ornately carved ceiling, plush carpets and the softest of furnishings. Through the open windows I can see across the domed rooftops of Italy’s capital city, and the doors to my leftreveal a king-sized bedroom and marble bathroom. What’s not to like? Why would my brother think I’m anything but okay?
Maybe because Josie’s not here with me, and because I miss her more than I can say.
I miss my daughter Maisie, too, but it’s Josie who’s filling my thoughts. It’s Josie who haunts my dreams… who I want and can’t have.
“Did you have a reason for calling me from Rome? Not that I’m not thrilled to hear from you…”
“I just wanted to let you know I’m coming home the day after tomorrow.”
“Do you need me to collect you from the airport?”