Page 44 of Choose You
Her smile faded and she nodded. “He’s out in the barn unloading from a day's work. Should be done soon.”
There was something about the way her expression changed when I asked for Matthew that bothered me. My defenses immediately shot up and built a wall around me. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” I reached my hand out to offer her a shake. “I’m Jessica. I live next door.”
She took my hand, but I noticed a slight tremble in her grasp. “I’m Emily, Matt’s wife.”
I froze. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
The front door opened, and Adam came rushing out. He whispered something to Emily, and she let go of my hand before she went inside.
“Hey, Jessie Cat. How you hanging in there?” Adam wrapped his arms around me and held me close. His hug was so much more than a condolences hug. He held me like he was trying to protect me from the world of hurt that was about to bury me. But Adam had always been that with me. He was a lotolder than me and had filled the role of protective older brother long before Matthew was adopted by the Langdons.
“Did she … say wife?” The words stumbled out on a sob. Matthew couldn’t be married. He was supposed to marry me. This had to be a mistake.
“Dammit. He didn’t talk to you, did he?” Adam kissed the top of my head and tightened his arms around me. I shook my head and let myself fall into him as that one question confirmed her words were true. “I’m gonna kill him.”
The world around me faded into darkness and a loud ringing filled my ears. I felt myself slipping out of Adam’s embrace despite his tight hold on me.
“Jessica.” I heard Matthew’s voice close by, but I didn’t have the strength to look up or respond. Adam said something, but I couldn’t make it out. Some angry words were exchanged, but my mind was a jumbled mess, and I couldn’t concentrate on what was actually being said.
The next thing I knew, Adam swept me into his arms and carried me to my car. My entire body was numb. I couldn’t walk right now if my life depended on it. He slipped me into the passenger seat and fastened my seat belt.
Just before Adam put the car in reverse to drive me home, I looked up and met Matthew’s tortured gaze. He looked just as miserable as I felt. But then he lifted his hat off his head and ran his fingers through his hair. I caught a glimpse of his wedding ring and my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.
By the timeI make it back to the barn, I’m soaking wet and freezing. I don’t see anyone around to ask which stall belongs to Pippi, so I tie her up outside one of the empty stalls until I find someone. At least I can still get the tack off her and dry her off.
I work quickly to wring my hair out and get the saddle off Pippi. Even with my old hat on, my head is soaked.
Once I have the saddle and blanket off and slung over the railing to dry, I hunt down some towels. I don’t make it more than two steps before Rosie walks in hunched underneath an umbrella holding a cooler.
“Hey, Jess.” She smiles and heads straight for the small office inside the barn. “I saw you come in and thought you might like some hot cocoa.”
I force a smile, even though smiling is the last thing I feel like doing right now. “Thanks. Hot cocoa would be great actually.”
She looks around the barn and back at me with a frown. “Where’s Matt?”
“He packed up the picnic stuff while I headed out. He should be here soon.”
She smiles and unpacks the cooler. A couple travel mugs, marshmallows, and something to eat.
“Is that your banana bread?” I glance over her shoulder with raised brows, this time my hopeful smile is real.
“It sure is. If I recall, it's your favorite.” Rosie hands me a piece and one of the travel mugs.
I take a bite and groan. “Oh, my God. So good.” I take another big bite. I didn’t eat all my lunch before things got intense with Matthew, and I’m hungry. “Still the best I’ve ever had.”
She pats my arm, her eyes watching me carefully. “I made it just for you.”
“Thanks.” I take a sip of the hot chocolate and let the warmth of it fill me up. “Any idea where I can find a towel to dry off Pippi? Poor girl is as wet as me.”
“We have some in the back. I’ll go get them. You finish that snack and drink your cocoa. You have to be cold.” She doesn’t wait for me to answer before she leaves the office and heads around the corner, opposite the main entrance.
I finish the banana bread and hold the travel mug close to my chest thankful for the small bit of warmth it provides. Rosie returns a few minutes later with an arm full of towels. “Here you go. This should be enough for you and Matt.”
“Thanks.” I sit the hot cocoa down and take a few of the towels. I head back out to Pippi and get to work drying her off. “Which stall is hers?”
Rosie nods and points to the one two doors down from where I’m standing. “Need any help with her?”
“Nah, I’ve got her taken care of. She’s a sweetheart.” I smile and run my hand down Pippi’s mane, and she nuzzles her nose into my chest.