Page 68 of Choose You
“Yesh,” I nod, “Yesh, we are. You should schtay clear of us.”
Her eyes soften and she smiles. “Hopefully, not forever. One day I’d like to meet someone that catches my eye and keeps it. I don’t really want to live my life alone.”
“And you shouldn’t. You desherve a nice guy. No asshholes for you.”
“Assholes like you, or the garden variety scum that has no clue how to treat women?”
“Both. You desherve way better than the likesh of me.”
“Matt, don’t say that.” She squeezes my shoulder and gives me a sympathetic smile. “You’re one of the good ones. As soon as you start believing that you’ll win her back.”
“How you know that?”
“Because she loves you, you big dope.”
When I look into Leann’s eyes, I see nothing but hope and promise. It loosens the chain currently twisted around my heart just enough that her hope slips in and gives my heart a flutter. “Did she tell you that?”
“No, but she doesn’t have to say it. A fool could see all the love that woman carries for you.”
“Then what doesh that make me?” I narrow my eyes and give my sister my best wounded look. It must have come out all wrong because she laughs.
“A blind fool, brother, a blind fool.” She pats my back and nods to Parker. They pass a secret conversation that has me sitting up straight. “Come on, let’s get you home. You’re gonna need as much sleep as this night can afford. You’re gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.”
I look at Parker and he waves me off, silently telling me I’m good. Leann must have settled my tab. I’ll have to pay her back once my head is no longer fogged by whiskey and beer.
She tosses my arm over her shoulder, waves goodbye to her friends, and somehow manages to guide my drunk ass to her car.
The drivefrom Stocks and Stables to my house seems to go by in a flash. When Leann throws her car in park, and I shift my gaze to her. “I need to gesh Emmie.”
She chuckles. “Not tonight you don’t. She doesn’t need to see her dad fall apart like this.”
“But she’sh shpecting me.”
She sighs and squeezes my hand. “Did you forget she’s sleeping over at Momma’s. All you need to worry about right now is getting inside, up those stairs, and into bed. Think you can handle that?”
I nod.
“Good, now let’s go.” She hops out of the car, runs around the front, and opens my door. It’s awkward, and I’m as clumsy and heavy as a loose boulder rolling down the mountainside, but Leann manages to get me out of the car and onto the front porch. I dig in my pocket for my keys, but before I find them, the front door opens.
Jessica stands there in short sleep shorts and a lacy tank top. My eyes travel up the length of her legs and settle on the swell of her breasts. Her long blond hair is pulled around her neck to one side andrests just above her breast. The urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her like my life depends on it is strong.
“What’s going on?” she asks.
“Found this one at Stocks,” Leann answers. “He’s drunker than a skunk.”
I stumble as we walk through the door. Leann lets go of me, and I fall to the floor. I roll over on my back and groan.
“Just leave him,” I hear Jessica say. There are more words exchanged between them, but I can’t make them out. They’re whispering.
“What are you two talkin’ ‘bout o’er there?” I mumble.
Leann kicks my foot and laughs. “Just how much of a dumbass you are.” I look up at my sister and her grin is a mile wide. “Goodnight, bro. Good luck getting up those stairs.”
She gives Jessica a hug and I wish it were my arms wrapped around her. I glance behind Jessica and my heart drops when I see a pile of boxes in the front room. She did what she said she’d do and packed her things.
They exchange a few more words before Leann leaves. After Jessica locks up, she turns to me with her hands on her hips.
“Think you can stand?” she asks.