Page 17 of A Touch of Gold and Madness
Although I felt much lighter, lethargy still weighed me down. Scarlett’s form of magic should’ve made me ready to run three miles, but I wasn’t anywhere near that point.
Remembering there was a third person, I snapped my head to the left, feeling the strong aura that always caught me off-guard. “Cotton?” Surprise coated my features from his presence. In all honesty, Cotton looked like he belonged on a GQ cover—back when GQ existed, at least. His short white hair remained combed to the side, and his suit didn’t have a wrinkle in sight.
The Royal Domain’s Inquisitor dipped his head in silent acknowledgment. Scarlett and Hazel flanked either side of him, exuding their unique aura in their own ways.
Scarlett stood in fierce determination; her violet dress now ripped up both sides of her legs instead of just one. On Cotton’s right stood Hazel, emitting a solemn strength that was neither physical nor visible.
“What happened?” I asked, looking at the three of them.
Hazel shook her head. “No. Absorb some of Cotton’s energy before we get into everything.”
I rolled my eyes. “I always wondered what it’d be like to have a mom.”
The faintest of smiles appeared on Cotton’s hardened expression before tilting his head. He glanced down at my hands, then arched a brow, asking for my permission to touch me. “Yeah. Hands are fine, Cotton. Thanks.”
With careful precision, Cotton wrapped his palms over mine. His yellow currents glowed on the backs of his pale hands. The energy from Cotton’s thermal-based magic warmed me to my bones. I didn’t waste time absorbing it into my aura, allowing it to top off my reserves.
The deep warmth from his energy made me moan. It was revitalizing. I wanted to take it all as my insides tingled with small jolts of arousal in my core caused by his brand of magic.
Cotton snatched his hands from mine, severing the influx of warmth that flooded me.
“Give a girl a warning before you surprise her with feelings likethat, Cotton,” I said, fanning myself. I attempted to simmer down the tingling sensation with deep breaths. “Quite the gift you have there, Inquisitor.”
Cotton winked, a knowing smirk teasing one corner of his lips. He stuck his hands into the front pockets of his trousers and rocked back on his heels. I’d never seen him look so smug.
I felt replenished, so I sat up to be present with the others.
Scarlett snorted, smacking him on the shoulder. “Gods above, Cotton. It was just an energy bump, not an orgasm. Chill.”
“If he’d let me keep going, I totally would’ve orgasmed,” I said with a shrug. “Now I’m tempted to take care of myself, with or without you all here.”
Hazel’s pale face pinked as she looked out the window into the night. I could’ve bet three diamond rings she was remembering the time she’d walked in on Slate and me. I chose not to tease her about it this time.
Scarlett chuckled, her cat eyes crinkling in the corners. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Princess.”
My expression deadpanned. “Maybe another time, Scar,” I joked, “but I need some answers.” I swung my legs over the side of the bed to face my friends.
A weight hung from my neck down to my chest. I peered down, spotting the sentimental black stone suspended by a leather string. The large polished piece rarely ever came off me. I wasn’t able to wear it to the revel because of the haltered dress. Having once belonged to my biological mother, I hated not having it on at all times. So, how did I end up with it now?
Scarlett cut me off from asking. “Welcome back, Gray. You scared the shit out of us, dude.” She closed the distance to wrap me in a bear hug. I’d never been much of a hugger, but Scarlett couldn’t be stopped. Plus, she gave great hugs.
“Thanks,” I said, pulling away to look at each of my friends. “To all of you. I don’t know what happened or what you guys went through to help me, but I’m beyond grateful for you.” I let the weightof my appreciation settle. “So,” I said, turning to the topic I’d been most eager to get to. “What does redfern have to do with any of this?”
Hazel forced out a breath and took a seat on the bed beside me with a careful grace. She laced her fingers together in her lap, appearing to gather her thoughts.
I turned my attention to Scarlett and Cotton, who stood shoulder to shoulder in front of us. “So where am I?” I asked, looking around the empty room.
Scarlett angled her head to glance upward at Cotton. She jabbed a thumb in his direction. “His suite. This is his spare room.”
“Oh.” Surprise rang through me. I’d never been close to Cotton, so for him to freely offer his residence warmed my heart.
“We needed a place that neither the king nor Amethyst would suspect you to be. We figured it would buy us a few hours,” Scarlett explained.
I furrowed my brow, wondering why I needed to be hidden from my father and Amethyst.
Cotton placed a hand on Scarlett’s shoulder. He glanced at the door and held up one finger. Scarlett understood. “Okay, thanks,” she said, nodding before Cotton turned and exited the room, not bothering to close the door behind him.
Hazel leaned over, wrapping her arms around my shoulders in a hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Gray. I was so scared I was about to lose you, too.” She rested her head on my shoulder while my hand reassuringly settled on her arm.