Page 13 of Starlight Bay
Harper jumped to her feet, sliding back into her jeans and throwing her sweater on just as I opened the door.
“What’s up, man?” I asked, not moving from the doorway even as Logan shoved his way in.
“Can I crash here tonight? I don’t wanna drive home.” Logan came to an abrupt halt as soon as he caught sight of Harper, his face widening into a grin. “Well, hello there. I’m Logan, Jackson’s older, more handsome brother.”
“Hey. I’m Harper.” She gave a little wave and smiled.
Logan’s eyes flicked to mine as he smirked at me, but he didn’t say anything about our bet. I knew I was out two hundred bucks, although I might be able to argue a technicality.
“I’m working with Harper on the Bramblehill reno,” I explained, shoving my hand into my jeans pocket.
“Uh-huh. I remember discussing that project with you. You didn’t tell me the owner was beautiful, though. I might have been keener on helping with demo.”
“Ever think maybe that’s why I didn’t mention it?” I said, elbowing him hard in the ribs. “I was just about to take Harper home. We were hashing out some of the design details.”
Harper smiled at me, her neck flushing. “Yes, thanks for your help with that, Jackson,” she said, her voice even. “I really appreciate it.”
“Sure, no problem. I’ll get you back home now. Be back in a minute, Logan.”
He’d already moved into the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water. “Don’t be gone too long, bro.” He winked at me and I wanted to kill him at that moment.
“Sure,” I said, handing Harper her coat. “Back in a flash.”
“Well, that was awkward,” Harper said once we were safely in my truck, driving back to Bramblehill House.
I blew out a breath, shaking my head. “That’s Logan for you. His timing’s always been colossally bad.” My eyes flicked over her pretty, heart-shaped face and I regretted I didn’t get more time alone with her.
“Too bad. I liked where that was headed.” She shot me a cheeky smile and I chuckled. “No reason we can’t have a repeat performance. I’ll keep my porch light off next time. Well, here we are.” I slowed my truck, pulling into the driveway and cutting the ignition.
“Thanks for dinner tonight. I had a really great time with you.” Harper locked her eyes on mine, sending all kinds of feelings racing through me.
I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry; I’d unpack all of that later. Right now I just wanted to feel Harper’s soft lips on mine.
“Me too. Thanks for going.” Pushing my doubts aside, I leaned over and touched my lips to hers.
We kissed for a minute or two, long enough to fog up the windows, before I broke away. “I should get home before my brother starts texting me non-stop.”
Walking her to the door, I saw her safely inside, kissing her good-night one last time. Earl Grey wound his way in between our legs, purring his approval.
Good to see I had the cat on my team.
Living through a renovation had never been high on my bucket list and now I knew why. Sure, it looked fun on TV. But in reality, it kind of sucked.
Except for Jackson. He definitely did not suck.
The reno gave me a chance to see him. Every. Single. Day. Which was awesome and the only highlight of my year so far.
I probably should have stayed somewhere else during the reno, but with no job it didn’t seem prudent. So I toughed it out, living with the dust and plastic tarps.
“Harper, we’re shutting the water off for a few hours.” Jackson leaned his head into the kitchen where I was attempting to job search, my laptop balanced on the shiny new white quartz countertop.
“Um, okay, I guess.”
“And it might get kind of loud. We’re using the wet saw to cut the tile for the bathrooms upstairs.”