Page 17 of Starlight Bay
“I’m sure something will come up.” He shot me an encouraging smile and my stomach clenched.
“Thanks, I hope so.”Maybe in Starlight Bay, a tiny voice in the back of my head whispered, but I pushed that unlikely situation out of my mind.
The timer on the stove buzzed behind me and I jumped, startled. Jackson chuckled, a low, deep rumble that sent a wave of heat surging through me.
“Sorry about that, the timer really echoes in here.” He turned the burner off, draining the pasta in the sink. “Alright, dinner’s ready. Grab your wine and the salad bowl; I’ll get the rest.”
I carried the salad over to the table next to the window overlooking the ocean, Jackson right behind me. He set out plates, napkins, and silverware, then brought the rest of the food over to the table.
“Bon appetit,” he said, clinking his glass against mine.
“Thanks again, Jackson, for letting me stay with you. I really appreciate it.”
“Sure. After we eat, I’ll make a fire and we can watch TV or whatever.” His voice trailed off and a hot flush warmed my cheeks.I’ll take Whatever for $500, please.
Instead I murmured, “Sounds good,” shoving a bite of pasta into my mouth before I said anything embarrassing.
“Mmm, this is delicious. Where’d you learn to cook?” I asked over my fork.
“My mom taught me, actually. Logan, too. She said men need to know how to do three things: cook, clean, and dance. I’m two for three. Never really picked up on the dancing thing.”
“Hey, two out of three’s not bad. I’ll take it.”
He smiled at me, although it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yeah, my mom was really smart.”
“I’m sorry about your mom,” I said in a soft voice, reaching across the table and squeezing his hand. “Logan told me; I ran into him at the coffee shop.”
“Thanks. She would have really liked you.” His dark eyes locked with mine and my stomach flip-flopped with desire and anxiety at the same time. I wanted Jackson more than anything, but I couldn’t commit.
“Anyway, enough about that,” Jackson said, taking a drink of wine. “How do you feel about thrillers?”
“Love ‘em. As long as we have a one-for-one rule.”
Jackson raised his brow. “One for what?”
“One thriller, one rom-com.”
He cocked his head, mulling over my proposition. “Fine, deal.”
“Shake on it,” I said, my tone serious.
“I’ll do you one better than that,” he said, moving to my side.
Taking my face in his strong hands, he placed his lips gently on mine. My body flooded with warmth as I opened my mouth to his, his tongue sweeping in and dancing with mine. All conscious thought flew out of my mind at that moment: the job search, the reno, the blizzard—and my entire body tingled with desire.
“Jackson,” I said, pulling away a tiny bit. As much as I hated to, I had to be honest with him. I owed him that much.
“I want to do this, but I have no idea about my future. I mean, I’m in flux.”
“I know,” he said, running a rough thumb over my cheek. “It’s fine. We don’t need to make any decisions tonight. Unless this isn’t what you want?”
I shook my head. “I didn’t say that.”
“Good.” He crushed his lips against mine, hard, pulling me up out of my chair.
In that moment, I knew I was a goner. There was no way I could resist Jackson Montgomery.