Page 22 of Starlight Bay
Ineeded to get out of Bramblehill House. Hell, I needed to get out of Starlight Bay. All I wanted was to escape the mess, the noise, the chaos.
I raced upstairs and started packing a bag. I didn’t know how long I’d be gone; honestly, I didn’t even know if I’d ever come back. My fight with Jackson threw everything into question. He’d been so cold to me downstairs I was practically shivering.
Even worse, I’d hurt him and that was the absolute last thing I wanted to do.
Shit. Things just got really screwed up.
Swiping at the hot tears pooling in my eyes, I shoved my toiletries into my bag and zipped it up. The floor buffer started again, vibrating the walls, and I couldn’t even think it was so damn loud.
I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs, praying I wouldn’t run into Jackson.
Without another word, I slipped out the front door, closing it behind me.
So long, Bramblehill House.
It just wasn’t meant to be.
Of course I didn’t even get out of the town square before I had to pee. Like, desperately.
Making a quick pit stop, I parked on the square and hustled over toBayfront Beans. At least I could grab a latte for the road; I needed to stay alert since I’d probably hit wicked traffic.
I ran to the bathroom and did my business and was just walking to the register when I ran into him.
Shit, shit, shit. Anyone but him.
“Hey, Harper!” Logan gave me a friendly wave, striding over.
It was too late to abandon Mission Latte, so I stayed the course.
“Hey, Logan. How are you?” I shot him my friendliest smile, not wanting to get into a long chat, but also not wanting to arouse his suspicion.Just act natural, grab your latte, and jet.
“I heard your reno hit some snags. Don’t worry about it, though, it happens every time.”
I nodded, tucking a stray hair behind my ear, focusing on making eye contact even though I really didn’t want to. My eyes were probably puffy and red from crying in the car.
“What’d you think about Jackson’s good news? I can’t believe he never told me about that offer.” Logan grinned, shaking his head, and I didn’t know what to say.
“Did he not tell you? Shit, I hope it wasn’t supposed to be a surprise.” He blew out a heavy exhale, shoving his hand in his pocket.
“Logan, I’m kind of in a hurry, so just tell me what’s going on.” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Jackson may have landed you a gig right here in Starlight Bay. Both of you, actually, but he figured that would be okay with you. It is, right?”
“Sorry, but what in the world are you talking about?” Now I was annoyed, folding my hands over my chest.
“One of his network buddies from hockey made a move over to the home renovation channel. Jackson sent him your resume and the link to your blog, plus his own portfolio, and the guy showed it to his boss’s-boss’s-boss. Anyway, they want to talk to you guys about a show. First featuring Bramblehill House, then other historic homes in Starlight Bay. If the show’s a hit, maybe homes even further out on the Cape. Super cool, right?”
I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped, I was so stunned by this information.Why hadn’t Jackson told me this when he heard the news about Channel 5 asking me back? Did he not want me to stay?
“Harper? Thatisgood news, right?” Logan tilted his head to the side, his brow furrowed.
“Uh, yeah. Great news. But I don’t understand. When did all this happen? Because Jackson and I kind of just broke up over my job search. And he didn’t try to stop me from leaving.”