Page 5 of Starlight Bay
“I’m so, so sorry.” The woman rushed over, helping me scoop up my papers.
“It’s fine. No harm done.” Her fingers brushed mine and I glanced up, locking eyes with her. A ripple of something I didn’t need at the moment shot through me, all the way to my toes.
No. Forget it. Remember your New Year’s Resolution? It’s January 2nd.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so clumsy. Sorry about that. This is Town Hall, right?” She glanced around, her aquamarine eyes wide.
“Yep.” I pointed to the etched marble sign. “Sure is.”
“Great.” She rummaged through her large shoulder bag, pulling out a manila envelope. “Do you happen to know where I would go to claim the deed to a house?”
“Uh, yeah. You’re in the right spot. I believe it’s the third office on the right, but you can ask Smitty. He’ll know.”
She arched a manicured brow, biting the corner of her lip.
“Oh, right. Sorry. Smitty’s the security guard. I’m Jackson, by the way. Jackson Montgomery.” I extended my free hand and she took it, sending more damn lightning bolts through me.Shitballs.
“I’m Harper. Harper Fitzpatrick.” She smiled, her teeth perfectly straight and white, like a movie star.
“Have we met? You seem familiar.”
She shifted her weight, hoisting her bag up further on her arm. “You probably recognize me from TV. I’m on Channel 5 local news. Er, well, I used to be until a week ago. I’m sort of on hiatus. And I just inherited my aunt’s house and have to wrap up some paperwork for her estate. That’s why I’m here.”
I nodded, a smile on my lips. This woman was adorable, with her heart-shaped face and perky attitude. Just what I didn’t need right now.
“Let me help you find the right office,” I found myself saying as I held the door open for her.Damn it, Jackson, what are you doing?
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Especially after I just mauled you.” She smiled at me, a pink blush coloring her cheeks.
Smitty raised his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything as I led Harper down the long corridor towards the Property and Records office.
“It’s no problem at all. I have some extra time before I have to be at the job site. So, are you from Boston then?”
She nodded, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I am.”
“I lived there for a few years.”
“Really? What part?”
“The North End. I miss the food.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I’ll bet. The cannoli alone is worth the trip.”
I grinned. “For sure. I’m afraid Starlight Bay doesn’t have anything quite like that to offer. Are you staying in town then, until you get your aunt’s property issues squared away?”
“That’s the plan. I don’t know too much about her estate—I actually never met her.”
“I know, it sounds crazy. But she’s on my dad’s side of the family and I’m like three times removed. I guess I’m her only living relative.”
“Oh.” I processed this family tree info, raking my hand through my hair.
“I have to pick up the deed to the house here, then meet with her lawyers later today. I’m thinking about holding onto the property and renting it out to vacationers as a side hustle. You do get vacationers here, right? Since you’re on the water?” She peered over at me, a tiny furrow in her brow.
“Yeah, we get a fair number of tourists in the summer. Also at the holidays. Starlight Bay holds a big Christmas festival and we attract a lot of people from Boston looking to get out of the city for the weekend. You’d do okay with a rental here.”
“Good to know. Thanks.”