Page 60 of Haunted
We both moaned as I buried myself to the hilt over and over again, the old desk groaning under our weight. I prayed it would hold out long enough for us to finish.
“This is gonna be fast, baby. Your pussy is already strangling my cock.”
“Can’t help it,” she panted as I started to move faster.
Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes felt like they'd never be long enough while the sounds of the busy bar concealed the slapping of our skin against one another as I pounded into her tight heat. We raced to find our release and when we did, it was otherworldly, like an out-of-body-experience.
Her legs dropped to the side when I leaned forward to cover her body with mine. I nibbled her bottom lip until her green eyes captured mine with their brilliance.
“I love you, baby.” Her quick inhale let me know she hadn’t been expecting me to say the words again this soon. “It may have slipped out earlier, but it’s true nevertheless. You’re all I think about when you aren’t near me, and when you’re close I never want to let you go.”
“I love you too, Keaton. People might think we’re crazy, but I say screw them,” she smiled. “My heart knows what it wants and it cries out for you.”
We moved simultaneously, our mouths entwined, our breaths mingling in a dance filled with so much emotion, I could literally taste it.
“As much as I’d love nothing more than to stay here all night, theywillcome looking for us soon.”
“Oh Lord. They’re going to know exactly what we were doing in here.”
Leaning back, my half-hard cock slipped from her pussy. “Baby, they knew what was going to happen the second we walked down the hall.” I winked, then proceeded to get dressed before someone came through the door, considering I forgot to lock it.
“Here’s to that bastard never seeing the light of day again.” Jade held up her glass, toasting to the demise of Chase McArthur. She and I had each had two of the bar’s namesake drinks, The Sunset. I had no idea what was in them, only that they were deliciously deceiving in their potency. My lips were already starting to feel tingly.
“It doesn’t quite work like that, babe,” Koen interjected.
“Stop squishing my dreams, surfer boy.”
According to Koen, there wasn’t much else to do where he grew up in Southern California, other than hang out at the beach all day, hence the name. His bleach-blond hair kissed the top of his shoulders and his skin was a golden-bronze color.
“Whatdoeshappen now?” I leaned farther into Keaton’s side.
“We wait, unfortunately.” He put his arm around my shoulder. “The scales of justice move slowly at best.”
“He’ll go in front of a judge tomorrow to be formally charged,” Noah explained. “Because of who his daddy is, the District Attorney will request a higher bail and for his passport to be surrendered.”
“The charges we have against him don’t carry a lot of jail time on their own, baby, but hopefully other women will step forward with similar stories.”
I didn’t even question whether or not they thought he’d done this before. It was clear on the faces and in the body language of the four federal agents seated around me. The way their jaws clenched and unclenched and how their fists flexed where they rested on top of the table, like they were restraining themselves from acting on their rage. Yeah, they believed he’d done the same—possibly worse—to others.
“How’s my favorite group of feds doing? It’s been a minute since you’ve all come in together.”
The tension in the air eased dramatically with the appearance of the handsome gentlemen. He was close to six feet tall with long salt-and-pepper hair swept back in a ponytail, a neatly trimmed beard, and looked to be in his mid-to-late-forties.
“Hey, Camden. Thanks again for the use of your office.”Keaton scooted out of the booth, exchanging back slaps with the man. Noah, Koen, and Lanie followed suit, though she ended up in a bear hug, which lifted her clear off her feet.
“This is my girl, Henley.” He took my hand to help me stand. “And our friend, Jade. Ladies, this is Camden Charles, the owner of Sunset.”
My heart melted with the way Keaton effortlessly included Jade in our group, and I didn’t miss the scowl on Koen’s face when Camden smiled at her.Interesting.I’d have to remember to ask Keaton about that later.
“It’s nice to meet you, Camden. You’ve got a great place here.” I reached out to shake his hand, but was immediately enveloped in the same greeting as Lanie.
The second my feet left the ground, I heard a growled, “Put her down, now,” followed by a rumble of laughter from Camden. The man obviously knew them well enough to realize he was playing with fire, so he released me immediately.
“Sorry about that.” He shrugged. “Handshakes are for strangers and with the way Mr. Possessive here is behaving, I have the feeling we’ll be seeing you around here more often.”
“Just keep your hands to yourself and there won’t be any casualties.” Keaton circled my waist with an arm, dragging me back against his chest in a move which had my eyes rolling to the sky. He really was a caveman sometimes.