Page 53 of Some Like It Hot
“It’s working,” Rio said, a disbelief in his voice. “The fire is dying at the line.”
Cinders blew into the green, dying as they landed in the sodden runway. The blaze coughed up angry, blackened fury as it fought to live.
“Good job with that line, Riley,” Tucker said. “Textbook. Good thing you were here.”
Those words found fertile soil, dug in.
“We need to get off this porch and into a safety zone. I suggest the lake.” Tucker was on the radio, calling for another drop.
“The fire is cutting west—it’s headed around the lake.” This from Skye, and Riley turned, watching as the fire headed west.
“It’ll run into that ridge,” Tucker said, pointing to the west, where the bald ridge edged the property.
Except— “Larke’s house is beyond that ridge, right in the path of the fire.”
And that’s when he realized— “WhereisLarke?”
He looked at Skye, at Seth, then Romeo, but they shook their heads. He dashed around to the front of the house, spied the rest of the team unloading gear from the chopper.
He ran up to one of the Zulies. “Have you seen Larke?”
Hanes. The man shook his head.
And that’s when Riley noticed her truck was gone. He turned, cupped his hand over his eyes, but couldn’t see through the fog of smoke.
But in his gut, he knew.
He ran back to the porch, found Tucker coming off it. “Please tell me there’s another load of water coming in.”
“Tell the pilot to drop over Larke’s house.”
Tucker looked at him. “Listen, we need the water to slow it down here. The ridge will stop—”
“Larke is at her house!”
Tucker stilled, his expression stricken. Yeah, well that’s how Riley felt. “Are you sure?”
Tucker handed him his phone and Riley swiped it up and dialed.Please, please—
He didn’t even bother to school his voice. “Larke, what the— Are youat your house?”
A pause, then, “I have to save it, Riley. I’m just spraying water on it—”
“You’ve got to be kidding me! The fire is coming around that side—you have to get out of there!”
“I have to save my house!”
He imagined her, a handkerchief over her face, the smoke thick, blinding her. She probably had no idea how close the fire ran. He cupped his hand over his eyes, but the smoke had thickened over the lake. She probably couldn’t even see the road if she tried to drive.
“Larke, drop your hose right now and get to the lake.”