Page 127 of Wyatt
“Engaged, huh?” Wyatt said to Tate.
“And you’re a dad.” Tate folded his hands over his chest. “And you—” He turned to RJ. “Youbrought Ma to a crime scene?”
“You forgot to mention that your mother nearlyshotme,” York said.
Wyatt stared at him. “Really?”
“Yep,” York said.
Wyatt couldn’t help a grin. He met Tate’s.
“This family should come with a warning label,” York said, shaking his head.
Wyatt headed for the door, but stopped in front of Glo. “Congratulations.”
She lifted herself up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll be praying for your son.”
Her words filtered in, found his bones. “Thanks.”
Tate followed him to the door, then stepped with him out into the hallway. Closed the door behind him. “You okay?”
Wyatt nodded. “I think so. I…I don’t know. It’s big, you know? Being a dad?”
Tate considered him. “Yeah. Really big. But not super surprising. Coco and you belong together.”
He stared at Tate’s grin, unmarred by judgment or even doubt, and something moved inside him, and Jace’s voice rose.
You will not be free of the striving until you hear the voice of your true Father telling you that you are loved. You are delighted in. You areenough, Wyatt.
“Wy—what’s up? You’re usually so…I don’t know. Camera ready, I guess. But you look like you want to punch someone. I’m still faster than you, but I’m wearing a suit, so…”
“I’m not…if I want to hit anyone, it’s me.” Wyatt drew in a breath. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. When Coco told me about Mikka, I was…yeah, shocked. And then excited—he’s a great kid. But then I got to the hospital and…”
“I’m sorry he’s sick.”
“It’s not that—orjustthat. I mean, yeah, it’s horrible. And I hate to think of what he’ll have to go through. And I’m ready to do whatever it takes for him, and there’s a huge part of me that sees me sitting beside him and even giving him blood or whatever, but…then there’s another part of my life. The part I’ve worked myself to the bone to get for the last twenty years and now suddenly, it’s here, and I have it. And I’m just having a hard time reconciling them. Or choosing.”
“Do you have to choose?”
“Don’t I? If Mikka’s sick, he can’t travel with me. And maybe…I mean, I know guys leave their families all the time, but…I want to be there for him. I want to be a good dad.”
“You will be a good dad. A great dad. But here’s a news flash—you don’t have to figure everything out right now. Just…show up. God has your back. Trust Him to work it out.”
“What’s happened to you?”
Tate grinned. “Maybe the same thing that happened to you. I found my happy ending.”
“You’re such a sap.”
“I’m not the one who has a forum for my adoring fans. That you check regularly.”
“I don’t.”
“You do.”
Yeah, he did. Because Coco was usually there.
Tate laughed, something of chagrin in his voice. “Dad would love to see this. Me, the troublemaker, engaged. Wyatt, the superstar, raising his own little superstar.”