Page 154 of Wyatt
Wyatt’s mouth opened. “But—”
“Son. If I can get my blood into my grandson, I’m going to do it,” Gerri said. “Besides, you have a hockey season to prepare for.”
He made a face. “Yeah, actually, I need to take some time off. I have a—”
“Labral tear?” Knox said.
Wyatt looked at his brother. “How’d—”
“Bull riders get them too. All that torsion on the bull. You were walking like a ninety-year-old man.”
“Not so old I couldn’t take out a terrorist,” Wyatt said.
Knox rolled his eyes.
But Coco didn’t. She reached out and touched Wyatt’s cheek. “I always knew you were the real hero of the family.”
“Hey—” Tate.
“C’mon—” Knox.
RJ laughed.
But Wyatt just stared down at her, meeting her eyes. “Does that mean you’ll marry me, Katya Stanislova?”
“You have to ask first, Number One.”
And then, in front of his entire family, York, and even their son, Wyatt got on his knee.
“Really, right now?”
“Right now. Before you do something crazy and run away again.”
“Never,” she whispered.
So he asked, those beautiful whiskey-brown eyes holding hers.
And she said yes.
And then her crazy, romantic superhero kissed her, right in front of his family.
“I knew it,” Knox said. “I always said Wyatt had a crush on her.”
“You did not,” Tate said. “That was Ford. He was the one who caught them making out.”
“No, seriously, it was me,” Knox said.
“It was me.” RJ met Coco’s eyes.
Wyatt stood up, looked at his family. “No, it was me. Now everybody get out of here and leave me and my fiancée alone.”
“I don’t see a haymow,” Tate said.
Wyatt raised an eyebrow.
“It’s about time you became an official Marshall,” Knox said, wiggling her toe, then winking on his way out with Kelsey.
“Gigi is babysitting,” Gerri said and came over to take Mikka in her arms. “I’m learning Russian too. Like,das vedanya.”