Page 149 of One Last Shot
Dodge got out and headed toward them, almost at a run. “Boo, are you all right?”
“Yeah. We probably need to alert the authorities about Reynolds.”
Dodge glanced at Oaken, back at Boo. “We already found him. He was stuck in the mudflats near the shore, down by where you went in. He probably rigged the car to drive in, then got stuck heading back.”
She stilled, and Oaken did too. “Wait. Are you saying he orchestrated his own demise?”
“The chopper couldn’t get to him before the tide came in.” Dodge shook his head. “Axel did try, but... yeah. He sabotaged himself.”
“There’s a metaphor there, but I’m too tired to work it out,” Oaken said as he walked to the truck and climbed in beside Boo in the back. Echo sat in the front and reached over to Boo. She’d clearly been crying.
“Let’s get her to the hospital, make sure she’sokay,” Echo said.
“I’m fine.”
“Humor us,” Dodge said.
Boo wasn’t sure who’d called ahead to warn the press, but a small army met them at the hospital ER when they pulled up.
Moose was there, inside, with the rest of the Air One team.
As was Mike, in a wheelchair, flanked by his very beautiful wife.
Mike rolled up. “You had us pretty scared, Oaken.” He held out his hand. “And you.” He looked at Boo. “Not sure we’ve met.”
“Boo Kingston,” she said. She glanced at Seraphina.
“Nice to meet you, Boo,” Mike said.
Huxley came over, carrying a couple cups of coffee. “Heard about the harrowing rescue.”
“Too bad you didn’t get it on tape,” Axel said. “It was cool.”
She didn’t miss Oaken’s grin.
“So does that mean you’re officially joining Air One Rescue?” asked London.
Boo looked at her, then Oaken. “I don’t think?—”
“Keep me on the roster,” he said, slipping his hand into Boo’s.
Moose came down the hallway with a wheelchair. “The police need a statement, but let’s get you checked out first.”
“I’m not getting in that,” she said, despite her knee.
“Whatever,” Oaken said and picked her up, right there, in his arms.
Oh, for the love?—
But she hung on.
Because why not? Every girl needed a good rescue at least once in her life.
Oaken carried her inside the room. Planted himself beside her bed even when the ER nurse came in and tried to shoo him out. “I’m not going anywhere without Boo,” he said and took her hand.
Andshe believed him.
Such a beautiful day to bare his soul... Hopefully he wouldn’t end up burned.