Page 81 of One Last Shot
“Did you expect her not to defend herself?” Oaken said.
Seraphina looked away, out the window.
“Some women found that to be exactly the right thing to say,” Huxley said.
“What are you suggesting?” Oaken asked Huxley.
“I’m saying... maybe we go the other way. Maybe you give us a romance, on-screen. Show us the charismatic Oaken, the one women swoon for, and why their boyfriends throw beer at you. Be a hero, not just as a rescuer but as a guy who woos women with your music.”
“I do not woo women with my music. You make me sound like the Pied Piper.”
“I’ve seen your concerts. Love your songs.‘She’s my girl, my guiding light. In her arms, everything feels right.’” She even added a little singsong to her voice. “Please. You can’t think that every woman doesn’t wish you were singing to them.”
He felt his body, his face, heating.
“So, play to the fantasy. Woo Boo, and let the audience see her smile, see her fall for you.”
He wanted that too. Exceptoffcamera. “She doesn’t want to be on camera.”
“Maybe I can convince her. Her shot at redemption. After all, she’s a hero too. Maybe this show redeems her, too, on social media.”
“I don’t think she cares about redemption.”
Huxleyraised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, Hux. Maybe Seraphina’s right. Maybe we end this thing...” He ran a hand behind his neck.
“You’re tired and hungry. C’mon—there’s a diner near here that makes late-night chicken. Let me buy you something to eat.” She looked at Seraphina. “Join us.”
Seraphina shook her head. “It’s late and I’m exhausted. Besides, I need to get back to the Airbnb and see the kids.”
“Okay. Reynolds said that Mike woke up. That’s good news.”
Seraphina looked at Oaken. “Yes.”
“Reynolds wanted me to stop by and see how coherent he was.”
“In and out,” Seraphina said. “He’s still foggy.”
“Okay.” Huxley turned to Oaken. “Beto and I will get a booth. Meet you there. Skyport Diner.”
He nodded as she left. Then he turned to Seraphina. “Maybe you should alert the police about Mike’s accusation?”
She considered him a moment. “I think I want to wait until he’s more awake and can give us details. Right now, they might dismiss it as medically induced or something.”
“Are you dismissing it as that?”
“I don’t know. Who would want to hurt Mike? He’s...” She gave him a wry smile. “He’s Mike. Live big, live wild. He loves everyone, and everyone loves him.”
“Yes, they do.” He touched her arm. “In the meantime, I’m going to talk to Air One and see if they still have his chute and supplies.”
She nodded. “I’m sorry about what I said about Boo. I can see that you care about her. I just hope that she’s not playing you too.”
“I do care about her. And she’s not playing me. And as usual, social media doesn’t have the entire story.” He gave her arm a squeeze and let go.
“Agreed. Just... be careful, Oaken. You’ve worked too hard to have it all crumble.” She lifted herself up on her toes and kissed his cheek. Patted his chest.
“Thanks,” he said.