Page 61 of One Last Stand
London sank back onto the sofa. “How long have you known about the Swans?”
Her mother walked over to her. Sat on the other end of the sofa. “Let’s just say that Pike Maguire asked me before he approached you. I told him that you’d have to decide for yourself.”
“You knew Hawkeye?”
“Back when I was a junior foreign service officer in Russia. Actually, the Swans were partly my idea. I realized we had a need for specially trained women to . . .”
“Acquire information in clandestine ways?”
“It’s sounds more tawdry than it is.”
“I know, Mother.”
“Yes, well, I’ve stayed out of it, mostly, but yes, I have kept updated on your life. Since you never call.”
“This is a little more invasive than installing a location tracker on my phone.”
“Don’t be dramatic. I know you’re good at your job, Delaney. But these Orphans—they are serious. What happened?”
“What do you think happened?”
Her mother drew in a breath. “Oh no . . . you didn’t?—”
“Ziggy took care of it.”
Her mother closed her eyes, just for a moment, and now who was being dramatic? Then, “Right. Good. Well, now that you’re here, you’re safe. Montelena is quite secure. But that doesn’t answer my question, does it?” She leaned forward. “Shep.”
“He knows about the Black Swans, yes.”
Another indrawn breath from her mother. “And?”
“And . . . it doesn’t matter, because after this, I’m done.” She got up, walked over to the hearth.
“Back to Alaska?”
“I like Shep Watson. I do. But, Delaney. Really. He’s so . . . woodsy.”
“He’s a search and rescue tech. And a good one.”
“He doesn’t understand your lifestyle.”
Oh please. “I wasn’t aware that I had a lifestyle, Mother.”
“Prince Luka has asked about you more than once?—”
“Stop. I’m not interested in Prince Luka?—”
“He might be interested in you.”
She held up her hand. “First, you know he can’t marry anyone but a royal?—”
“They changed the law in Lauchtenland. I think for the right woman?—”
“I am not here to catch a prince. I . . . just need a new bio card.”