Page 24 of Kane
‘Wow, you’re strong!’ Cassie said, awe in her voice. ‘You could probably lift me up over your head if you wanted.’
‘I certainly could,’ Kane said, grinning devilishly. ‘I could do a whole lot more too. But that can wait, it’s time to give you your treat. Come on, let’s get you up inside that fire truck.’
With that, the pair of them walked to Old Red.
They didn’t say anything as the approached the old fire engine.
They didn’t need to.
Their relationship was moving on.
Kane picked Cassie up and lifted her up by her hips. Cassie felt so light. For Kane it was like lifting a feather.
It turned him on.
The only question was how long they would last before things between them got too hot to handle and some seriously physical activity went down.
Chapter 7
This place is really mega-super-nice.
I’m getting intense Daddy vibes too…
And I love it.
Cassie took a moment to assess her surroundings. She was standing just inside the door of Kane’s apartment.
The first thing she noticed was that there was a faint hint of smokiness in the air.
That was kind of Kane’s signature smell. On the way over, Kane had explained that no matter how much he showered or bathed, he just couldn’t quite eliminate the smell of fire.
Kane had triedeverything.
Different combinations of aftershave.
All-natural scented shampoos.
He’d even had a full spa day and come out with the same hint of smoke on him.
Cassie didn’t mind it though.
If anything, she actually found it hot.
The subtle odor was a reminder of exactly how much of a man Kane was. A hero. He was brave, strong, and determined to help anyone who needed it. Just like the rest of his colleagues at the fire station, Kane deserved all the admiration he received.
Firefighters didn’t get paid anywhere near how much they should. This was common knowledge. But Cassie could see that Kane wasn’t motivated by money. Kane had higher values, the kind of ethics that made him stand out from the crowd.
The fact Kane was impossibly handsome may have played a part too. Cassie was still finding it next to impossible not to blush every time Kane smiled.
The dimples on his cheeks were to die for.
That Kane was so tough and gruff in every other sense merely amplified the cuteness of the dimples. All in all, he was an incredible package.