Page 33 of Kane
‘More like thirty-five out of thirty-five!’ Kane said.
‘That is such a Daddy joke!’ Cassie laughed. She’d heard from Katie that Cage was terrible for making corny jokes. It looked like Cassie was going to have the same thing with Kane too.
Not that she cared.
If anything, Cassie actually liked it.
If Kane was comfortable enough to make a corny joke in front of her, it meant that he was obviously comfortable to share his inner life too.
That meant a lot.
‘Okay, I think it’s time we both let nature take its course,’ Kane said, gripping Cassie a little tighter.
‘Close your eyes and allow yourself to fall asleep,’ Kane laughed, rolling his eyes. ‘Trust me. When you wake up, you’ll feel as fresh as a daisy. I’m an expert nap-taker. Seriously.’
Cassie didn’t need any persuasion.
She nestled in just underneath Kane’s hulking, muscle-powered arm and let her eyes close.
It didn’t take long.
With the musky, smokey smell from Kane’s body all around her, Cassie felt herself drift off into a wonderful sleep.
Her Daddy had administered Cassie her first spanking.
It was time to dream about what might happen next time…
Cassie awoke from a deep sleep.
So much for a quick catnap!
As she slowly opened her eyes and stretched out in the incredibly comfortable bed, Cassie realized something. She was alone. Kane wasn’t in the bed with her.
So where was he?
It was at this point that Cassie looked over to the small wicker bedside table on Kane’s side of the bed.
What was this?
A handwritten note from Kane…
Hello Sleeping Beauty. I’ve popped out for some coffee and to pick us up some food. Feel free to make yourself at home. Back soon. Kane.
It was cute to see that Kane was doing what he could to make Cassie feel comfortable. Cassie appreciated it. Not everyone would be so trusting as to leave someone they didn’t know all that well at their home alone.
But Kane clearly felt comfortable doing it with Cassie.
That was super-nice to know.
Not wanting to waste any time in bed, Cassie decided to get up and have a look around the apartment. It was all very well being given a tour by Kane, but Cassie knew that she’d learn more by looking around herself.
I might even find some inspiration for my new comic…
After being given the pencils and paper from Kane as a means of continuing her creative practice, Cassie had decided she was going to try and produce a new comic. Something different. One that she would hand-produce.
It wouldn’t necessarily replace her online work, but it could be nice to produce something in a physical, paper format.