Page 40 of Kane
‘Kid, you just keep on getting better and better,’ Kane said, smiling broadly. ‘Now let’s get these ice-pops and make this the best damned park visit ever.’
‘Okay, but let’s not staytoolong, Daddy,’ Cassie said. ‘I want to get back home for some… fun.’
There was a highly mischievous look on Cassie’s face. One that wasn’t even remotely innocent.
Kane grinned.
If Cassie wanted some naughty fun back at the apartment, then that was exactly what she was going to get…
Chapter 11
Cassie and Kane walked back from the park at a significantly faster pace than usual.
To anyone watching, they would have looked more like a pair of Olympic sprinters making a final dash toward the finish line.
‘Daddy, I don’t think I can keep the pace up,’ Cassie said, panting and breathing heavily. ‘I’m in decent shape, but you’re just too fast!’
Cassie stopped running and bent over, her hands on her knees.
They were still a couple of blocks away from the apartment. But with every sinew and muscle operating at total overload, there was no way that Cassie was going to be able to run a single step further.
Time for Daddy to step in.
‘Here, allow me to be of assistance,’ Kane said, his breathing heavy but his energy reserves in greater supply. ‘Hop on board the Daddy Train.’
Without further ado, Kane squatted down and offered his shoulders for Cassie to climb up on.
‘Really? But you must be tired from the running too,’ Cassie said.
‘Do you want to get back to the apartment or not?’ Kane replied.
Cassie felt her body react to the sternness of Kane’s voice.
He was in Daddy Dom mode.
It probably wasn’t a good idea to disobey him.
‘Yes, Daddy,’ Cassie said, gleefully hopping up on Kane’s shoulders.
As Kane rose to stand, Cassie took a second to enjoy the view. It was incredible to be sitting so high up.
‘I guess this is what it would be like to be eight feet tall or something,’ Cassie said, unable to continue talking as Kane burst into a near-sprint. ‘Wooooah!’
Cassie had to hold on tight.
Kane was running so powerfully, and so quickly, it would have been way too risky to try to simply balance on him.
It was alongway down to the sidewalk beneath!
‘Hang on in there,’ Kane said, powering on.
Cassie clasped her arms around Kane’s shoulders and neck. The speed and bumpiness of the ride was causing Cassie’s groin to bounce and push up against the back of Kane’s head.
It feltgood.
A fact that didn’t go unnoticed by Kane either…