Page 49 of Kane
It was time for breakfast.
‘I think we should share a big bowl of Rainbow Crunch. Agree?’ Cassie said, placing Bouncer down on the breakfast table. ‘But you don’t get to have all the pink ones! Okay?’
Cassie laughed and imagined a world where Bouncer could talk back to her.
OMG, I should totally do that for the comic…
Cassie put her full cereal bowl down on the table and gave Bouncer a big hug. It would be a great idea to have a talking stuffie in her new comic.
Cassie almost couldn’t believe that she hadn’t thought of it before.
It was like the most obvious idea.
But sometimes they were the best.
But before she could note anything down, Cassie had a big bowl of Rainbow Crunch that needed eating. She was hungry too. This wassurelya result of the epic sex the night before.
Cassie found herself grinning in between bites as she remembered sitting on each and every one of the dildos. As determined as she had been to do it, Cassie had probably surprised herself by her success.
She was, in truth, quite inexperienced when it came to this kind of sexy fun. Especially when it came to the real down and dirty end of the scale.
But Kane was helping to change that.
And Cassie was loving every new experience. Not only that, but Cassie loved that way that Kane wasn’t judgmental over her lack of experience. Another kind of Daddy might have laughed or teased her.
But not Kane.
There wasn’t an unkind bone in his body.
There was, however, a whole heap of muscle and one epically big dick!
‘It’s probably best you can’t read my mind, Bouncer,’ Cassie chuckled before filling her mouth with another huge spoonful of crunchy, colorful cereal. ‘Then again… that would make a great characteristic for the comic version of you.’
Cassie was feeling inspired.
It turned out that living her best Little life with a great Daddy really suited her. It was like she was able to create and feel totally unself-conscious about it. With Kane there supporting her, there seemed a whole lot less pressure to get everything right all the time.
That was the one downside of having Cassie’s work out in the public forum. She sometimes found it hard to deal with the kind of criticism that could come her way.
That just seemed to be the way things went online.
Everyone was a critic.
And they weren’t afraid to be unkind or cruel either. Keyboard warriors really were the bane of any online creator’s life.
Still, with Kane by her side, these kinds of worries had melted into the background. The fact that Cassie hadn’t been online either may have played a part.
With this in mind, Cassie picked up her round-rim glasses from the table and put them on. She reached over and began opening up the tabs on Kane’s chunky old tablet.
It was time to log on and see exactly what had been going on in the online comic world…
Cassie’s Comics… SUCK! 1* and that’s being GENEROUS.
Yikes. Who writes this? Her stuffie? AVOID.
Crappy comic. Crappy writer. Crappy everything.