Page 51 of Kane
Lyle would have a field day.
And potentially there was nothing that Cassie could do about it.
This was like a waking nightmare.
Cassie had heard about things like this happening before. Many an online creative had had their careers either stalledor permanently damaged by this kind of thing. And it so often came from petty jealousy or totally uncalled for bitchy behavior.
Was Cassie about to be another statistic?
A once popular creator who was destined to be put in the online trash can for good?
The panic was well and truly setting in.
In that moment, Cassie felt an aching desire for her Daddy to be there to look after her.
Protect her.
Kane would know what to do, Cassie was sure of that.
But with Kane out of the house and with no set time for his return, Cassie realized that she would need to sort this situation out herself.
Making quick decisions had never been a strength of Cassie’s. Or so she’d always been told by teachers and stepdads alike.
Cassie’s form tutor had even joked that if there was a wrong option to be taken, Cassie would find it.
Cassie didn’t want to live up to the people from her past’s low expectations anymore. She wanted to make a choice by herself. And make a good one too.
Cassie just had to do something.
There was no other way of looking at things.
Doing nothing just wasn’t an option.
There was only one thing for it, Cassie would have to message Lyle and arrange to meet.
Lyle had said something about meeting his demands.
That suggested that there was, in theory, a way out of this.
If Lyle simply wanted to crush Cassie in one move, he could have already done that.
That was a slight glimmer of hope.
Something for Cassie to cling on to.
Cassie didn’t dare to think of what Lyle’s demands might entail. But she couldn’t afford to hesitate a second longer.
Cassie needed her email account back in her control.
And if meeting up with Lyle was the way to do it, then so be it.
It didn’t feel good.
In fact, it felt terrible to even contemplate it, let alone go through with it.
But Cassie knew deep down that she only had one option.
There was no alternative.