Page 72 of Kane
She thought back to the first time she met Katie. The pair of them were at a bar. And as it turned out, both had been stood up on by useless Daddy Dom dates.
But what could have been a total washout of an evening turned into one of the most fun nights ever. After both realizing that the other had been stood up too, they moved to speak to each other at the bar and before long they were practically best friends.
A few fruit-filled cocktails later and one thing was obvious.
Cassie and Katie were going to be friendsforever.
They had even gone for a late-night veggie supreme pizza together and stayed up late into the night talking all about their childhoods, their fears, their dreams.
Their desire to find the right Daddy.
Their Forever Daddy.
Of course, Katie had found her Forever Daddy in the shape of Cage. Cassie was so happy for her.
Back when they first met, the prospect of finding someone as wholeheartedly awesome as Cage seemed remote.
But it was fun to hang out as two Littles, both relatively new to the big city. Adventure always felt around the corner. And they knew that if either ever needed help, they would be there for each other.
Cassie and Katie had replayed the moment they met so many times, it was like they were an old couple reminiscing back on their first meeting.
But itkindafelt like that.
Well, except for the whole kissing and sexy side of things of course!
‘Wow, this is perfect,’ Cassie said, sipping on the warm milk. ‘Your place looks amazing. As always! Is that rainbow painting new?’
Cassie was looking at the large canvas on the wall behind Katie. The painting in question was of a huge rainbow. It was super-colorful but also had a metallic sheen to it. Like an industrial, more masculine vibe.
‘Thank you! Before I had it commissioned, I had to convince my Daddy that it had enough macho Daddy influence in it. You know, being a rainbow and all,’ Katie giggled. ‘But as soon as he actually saw it, he loved it.’
‘I bet,’ Cassie said, studying the layers of shiny stars that the rainbow was painted over. ‘It’s beautiful.’
Cassie couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness.
It wasn’t the painting itself, more of what it represented.
Cassie felt like his relationship with Kane was on the trash heap.
A total mess.
This beautiful painting, and how it was a perfect representation of a Daddy and his Forever Little was hard to take.
Katie could see that Cassie was upset and moved over to sit closer to her.
‘Don’t worry, I’ve got you,’ Katie said, wrapping her arm over Cassie’s shoulder. ‘We’ll work it out.’
Cassie appreciated Katie so much.
And not just because she had given her her favorite cup either.
Cassie knew that Katie wouldn’t judge her about agreeing to pose for the nude photos. Not like many people would. Katie didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body.
Like Cassie, Katie knew how hard it could be to be a Little sometimes.
Not everyonegotit.
Some people even thought that being a Little was some kind of perversion. This was crazy, of course. It was just a preference like any other. A healthy, positive preference made by consenting adults.