Page 27 of Rage's Solace
Siege snorts a laugh. “Of course he is. Look what kind of family he was raised in.”
Zen shakes his head, “No, I didn’t find much. It’s like he disappeared off the map for almost ten years. But last year he cropped up again, living with Daddy.”
Rigs asks, “So, what the plan?”
Without missing a beat, Siege answers, “I think it’s time for us to be eyes on with these bastards. Dutch, I want you and Tank to go out to North Carolina and talk to the officers about what happened to Priscilla’s parents, maybe snoop around that boat rental company. You’re smart men with experience getting to the truth. It might pay off for us in this situation.”
Tank responds, “We’ll leave right away and keep digging until I find something.”
Siege looks around the table at the rest of us before explaining, “I say we need to be eyes on with old man Whitmore and Ashton. Don’t approach them, just monitor them from a distance. It could be that if we look close enough, the fuckers might end up tipping their hand.”
“I want to be eyes on with the old man,” I tell them.
Siege nods, “Take Ven with you. I’ll send you out some relief this evening.”
Rider chimes in, “I can try to locate and sit on the brother.”
Siege reminds his best friend, “Make sure he doesn’t see you.”
Rider quips, “This is not my first stake out, boss.”
Siege flashes him a quick grin. “I know. A reminder never hurts, especially with you because you’re like bull in a china shop sometimes.”
We all break apart and go our separate ways. I call Priscilla on my way out the door.
When she answers, I ask, “Are you awake, sleepyhead?”
“What in the world did you do to me last night? I feel like I ran a marathon.”
“I’ll let you ride my cock anytime you want. There’s no need to flatter me, Prissy girl.”
She chokes out a laugh, “Maybe I’ll have to take you on another ride if the offer is still open.”
I chuckle, delighted that she’s so receptive to becoming my woman.
I take a deep breath before I tell her the rest, “I have some bad news for you this morning.”
“Is everything okay? You didn’t get hurt, did you?” Her voice is worried.
My heart squeezes that she’s concerned about my safety. I quickly reassure her, “No, it’s nothing like that. My club needs me to help them with something and it might take all day.”
“Oh, that’s fine. You love doing things with your club, right?”
She doesn’t need to know that this project involves researching her father-in-law and brother-in-law, so I give her a cryptic response, “I do, and today’s project is something near and dear to my heart.” Reaching my bike, I tell her, “Sorry, I have to run before I get left behind. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home.”
“Alright, be careful out there.”
“I can take care of myself, sweetness. Don’t worry about me.”
She sighs, “I trust you, it’s the other idiots of the world that I worry about.”
My heart warms that she’s protective over me. I reassure her one more time before getting off the phone. Ven is parked beside me. He’s been sitting on his bike with both hands crossed over his helmet, listening to my conversation. “You have fallen from the bachelor ranks, my friend. It’s written all over your face when you talk to her.”
“You sure you’re up to another stakeout after being at your mom’s place all night?” I ask, swiftly changing the topic, because I really don’t want to be having this conversation right now.
He thumps his fist into his chest and smirks at me. “I’m the healthiest man in this club. Besides that, it was quiet, so I got a decent sleep—that’s when Barley quit his snoring.”
“Meli got you sleeping in the dog bed?” I joke.