Page 32 of Rage's Solace
I think for a second that Rage is going to get mad, but he just chuckles and rubs the back of his neck like he’s embarrassed, and asks, “What do you think we should spend the money on when the jar is full?”
Mia shrugs, “I don’t know. Whatever you want. I have everything I’ve ever wanted and can’t think of a single thing I need.”
Rage laughs, “Beach vacation it is then.”
Mia is practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of a beach vacation. “That’s a fantastic idea! Can Louisa and Amy come too?”
Rage agrees before she even gets the words out, “Of course, if their parents say it’s okay. Friends make everything better.”
I slowly turn my head to look at him as Mia skips away to talk to her friends about the beach. I realize there is a double meaning in his words.
Chapter 11
My attempt to be eyes on with Malcolm Whitmore blew apart yesterday when Meli texted to let me know that Priscilla needed me. She sent me some cryptic message about how I should talk to her about the past and her daughter. The only thing I can make out of the situation is that Meli thinks I need to be more welcoming of Mia and she’s worried I might not want to look after another man’s kid. Little does the woman know that I’m already spoiling that little girl so hard Prisilla is giving me the side eye.
Anyway, this morning I’m giving it another shot. I slide up beside Venom on the ridgeline giving us the best view of the Whitmore estate.
“You look like shit, man.”
He drops his binoculars and glares at me with bloodshot eyes. “Amy keeps getting up to go to the bathroom at night, she says the baby is pressing on her bladder. I’ve barely gotten a full night’s sleep in three weeks.”
I grin at him, “You think that’s bad, just wait until Venom Junior arrives. Say goodbye to a good night’s sleep for the next... what… eighteen years?”
“Fuck off,” he grumbles.
I knew he was going to pop off, so I slide a bag of his mom’s morning croissants over in front of him and an extra-large coffee. “Am I forgiven? Fresh out the oven.”
He opens the bag, and his eyes drift closed as he inhales. “Fuck yes, you are more than forgiven.” Reaching over with his free arm he wraps it around my neck and jerks me down into a headlock, laughing his ass off as I do my best to escape.
“Get your sweaty armpit away from me, you stupid fucker,” I growl through gritted teeth.
I elbow him in the ribs, and he leaves off with the roughhousing.
I reach into his bag and pull out a croissant before he can stop me. “That will cost you one whole croissant.”
He snatches the bag away, frowning at me.
Before he can complain, I tell him, “You don’t need six fucking breakfast croissants, dude. With how good your mom’s food is, I’m surprised we’re not both fat as fucking pigs.”
He thumps his fist against his hard abs. “You’re the one who needs to hit the gym more, not me. Getting a dad bod there, my friend.”
“Yeah, whatever, asshole” I respond blandly. Good job Mia isn’t around to hear my language, or I’d probably owe her another fifty dollars. Jerking my chin towards the Whitmore estate, I ask, “Have you see this fucker?”
He takes a bite of the croissant and chews it before responding in a serious tone. “I’ve not seen anything remotely resembling a human being in or around that fucking mansion. No Malcolm Whitmore or his weird ass son, Ashton. Not a groundskeeper, housekeeper, or whoever else rich fuckers have to look after them.”
“That’s strange,” I say staring at the huge house.
Venom adds, “The lights come on and go off, randomly throughout the house, so someone has to be home.”
A deep voice comes from behind us. “The lights are probably set on an automatic timer as part of their security plan.”
Venom automatically holds out his bag for Tex to take a croissant.
Tex pulls out a fat, juicy croissant, loaded with eggs, sausage, and cheese. Meli thought it sacrilege to fill a croissant like this, but when everyone kept asking for breakfast croissants she relented and trialed her own version which ended up becoming a best seller on her breakfast menu.
I can tell Tex is in heaven when he takes a bite, because his fucking eyes practically roll back in his head. “Your mom is the best cook on the West Coast. You do know that, don’t you, Venom?”