Page 38 of Rage's Solace
Looking down into her adorable little face, the one that kind of looks like mine, I ask in a teasing tone, “Now where’s the fun in that?”
She practically skips off laughing, but I’m forever a changed man.
Turning around, I start gathering up the supplies and bag them up. All the while, the only thing my brain can focus on is calculating and recalculating the timeline of Mia’s birth. After the fourth or fifth time, I’m forced to admit that my Prissy girl was pregnant when we split all those years ago. Mia is mine and for whatever reason she is lying to me. This morning I was all but ready to ask Priscilla to be my old lady and to make this thing we’ve been building permanent, but now I don’t know what to think.
She’s been lying to me.
I pull off my gloves and throw them in the bag before taking out my phone and calling Venom. He’s not only my club brother but we swore allegiance to each other and sealed it with a blood oath. My blood brother always answers in two rings or less for me.
“What’s up Rage? You still have the rugrats at your place? You’re gonna have to give me pointers for when mine and Amy’s kid arrives.”
“Yeah, the girls are all here. Look, I need to ask you something, do you think Mia is mine?”
There is a pregnant pause as Ven digests my comment. “There’s no denying she looks like you. Why do you think she’s yours, did Priscilla say something?”
“No, but everything fits. Look, can you meet up with me at the courthouse in a couple of hours? I want to go to county records and look up her birth certificate.”
“Yeah, but you gotta know that Zen can look that shit up on the computer.”
“No fucking way. Mia is my daughter. I want to be the one to track down every fucking detail. No one else, just me.”
“Have you asked her?” he asks.
“What? And get another bunch of bullshit lies,” I say.
“Why don’t you do a DNA test? That’ll tell you everything you need to know, I promise you.”
“I’m gonna do exactly that, but I need to see what’s written on the birth certificate.” I can hear the anger in my own voice.
I’m so far down the rabbit hole that I can’t remember exactly what Ven said, only that he’d meet me at the clubhouse. I lower the phone from my ear and stare at the now dark screen. There are a few hairs lying on the sleeve of my shirt. I pick them up and hold them to the light, Louisa and Amy have light hair, whereas this is darker. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I carefully liftthe hair, wind it around one finger and slide it into my inner vest pocket.
I’d like to say that my prevailing emotion is excitement, but that emotion is lurking somewhere beneath stone-cold fury and absolute disgust with Priscilla. She lied to me all these years, raised my daughter with another man. My kid deserved better than being raised by the likes of an asshole like Conrad.
I was filled with an intense loathing and anger towards Conrad’s father, thinking he was behind the headless rabbits left on my doorstep, but now, I was in a mood to defy all of Siege and Rigs’ best laid plans for discovering who did his dirty work and forcing information out of him. I’m ready to go and pick the fucker up and beat some information out of him.
I toss the bag I used to clean up our mess into the trash and stalk out of the mud room. Since I’m not fit company for little girls, I go outside and walk the perimeter of my property, looking for anything that might suggest trouble. I send Evan in to keep an eye on the girls. Of course, I find nothing on my walk. Ever since I put the cameras in, whoever was fucking with us has kept their distance.
As for Priscilla, if what I’m thinking is true, I’m disappointed and angry with her for not coming clean with me the minute she found out I was alive. I fucking saved her life, and she repaid me by keeping the most hurtful secret imaginable. All the feelings of betrayal and abandonment from years ago come flooding back in an instant. Priscilla has always been my one soft spot. No one can cut as deep as she can when she effortlessly violates my trust.
I can’t be here, I can’t be around her right now, not when I’m this angry. I need to calm the fuck down.
I march up to my bedroom, where she’s still sleeping and quietly retrieve the Dear John letter I received all those years ago, the one she claims is fake now that she needs me once again. I slide it into my back pocket but when I turn to leave, Priscilla is sitting up in bed.
The look on her face is concerned. “Is everything okay. You were stomping when you came into the bedroom and it woke me.”
Glancing away because I can’t stand to look at her right now, I say, “I’m sorry, but you need to get up and watch the girls. I have club business to attend to this morning.”
“Of course. I’m sorry I overslept. I didn’t mean to dump them on you.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’ll give you fifteen minutes to pull yourself together then I’m gonna have to leave.” Without another word, I turn and walk back out of the room. Truth be told, I’m stomping again and couldn’t care less. I’m going to sort this issue out one way or another today.
Chapter 14
Isit there in bed staring at Rage’s back as he practically stalks out of the room. I don’t know what I did for him to be so cold to me. I thought things were going really well between the two of us. So well, that I was thinking it might turn into something long term or maybe even end up with us living happily ever after in his spacious cottage.
Lat night was absolutely unbelievable. Sex with Rage had always been phenomenal, but he blew my mind with one orgasm after another. He was insatiable and kept waking up ready for more. And God knows after years of no sex, I was more than up for it.