Page 52 of Rage's Solace
“They’re not your girls, they’re mine,” he says.
“Oh, I know enough about you to realize you don’t need to be around women and children.” I pause before adding, “Or animals.” The way I stress the word clues him in that I know about his past.
He points one bloody finger at me dramatically and says, “Shut the fuck up before something bad happens to you.”
“Give it up. I’ve already broken your nose and disarmed you twice. You don’t have an ego left to bruise.”
Suddenly, his mask slips and I see for the first time exactly what I’m dealing with. “I train people, not just animals. Somelearn to adapt, and others fall by the wayside. Brute strength is no match for an analytical mind.”
I bring one finger up and make the gesture for crazy at the side of my head. “I’m sure that dumbass shit sounded better in your head that it did coming out of your mouth.”
“Seeing is believing.”
“Give up already. All I’ve seen so far is you bullying women and children and making an ass out of yourself. Surely to God you aren’t stupid enough to think that you’re running the show right now?”
“No, I’m just wasting enough time for my partner to show up.”
Ashton is a lone wolf. He doesn’t have a partner. That’s why I’m confused when I suddenly realize there’s a second set of footsteps coming up the side steps and it doesn’t sound like the heavy shit kickers my brothers wear.
Lo and behold, Harold comes skidding into the room. I don’t know how this clown got past my club brothers downstairs, but I do know that neither of these pricks are getting past me to my girls. How did we miss his involvement? The fucker told us to come here, did he think he was leading us to an ambush? I step out to close off their line of sight into the bathroom, pull out Ashton’s gun from my pants and aim one gun at each of them, “Who’s first?”
Ashton stares at Harold for a second before pointing at me. “Shoot that asshole. He’s on my last nerve and standing between me and my new bride.”
Harold opens his jacket with both hands, presumably to show he doesn’t have a weapon. “Like those members of the Savage Legion downstairs are just going to let me wander around with a loaded weapon.”
“Fine, we can both take him, if we work together,” Ashton says decisively.
“You’ve got the wrong idea about why I’m here, Ashton.”
“Don’t call me by my first name. You know I hate that.”
Rolling his eyes, Harold corrects himself, “Sorry, Mr. Whitmore. I actually came here because Emily is right. This shit between you and Conrad was fucked up but what’s even more fucked is you being allowed out of hospital.”
Ashton sneered, “Fuck off, Harold. I don’t take advice from the hired help. I’ve been declared mentally competent so no one can get me back in there.”
I jerk my chin at Harold. “Go downstairs and tell my club brothers that they need to come and get Ashton before I beat the living shit out of him.”
Harold turns to go. It’s a good thing I never fully took my eyes off Ashton because he charges at me knocking me off balance and sending my weapon skittering along the corridor. I thought he was coming for me, but he makes a beeline for the bathroom.
The moment his head turns to look at them all my protective instincts come rumbling to the surface. Something about the smirk on his face sets me off because he’s still trying to intimidate Priscilla and Mia. It works too because they both move back slightly.
I’ll be damned if I was gonna let him fuck with them right in front of me. Pissed, I spin around sweeping his feet out from under him and am on him in a matter of seconds, beating him over the head with the barrel of his own fucking gun. I want to shoot that fucker so badly, but I’ve gotta hold in my anger so I don’t scare my daughter. I hear the bathroom door slam shut and knowing they can’t see, makes me never want to stop punching this fucker. I earned my name in this moment by unloading all my anger and frustration on him. I don’t know how long I whale on the stupid fucker but at some point, Siege and Rigs are there pulling me off him.
Ashton was truly batshit crazy because he just laughs and gives me a big bloody smile. That just makes me want to kick his crazy ass all over again.
When I try to go after Ashton, my club brothers grab me and shove me in Venom’s direction. Siege points towards the door Venom has just walked through. “Take your damned brother outside for a breath of fresh air. He needs to walk this off. He’s no good for anyone when he’s like this.”
I shove my best friend aside. “Fuck that. I need to check on Priscilla and Mia.”
As he’s putting cable ties around Ashton’s wrists, Siege growls, “You’re a bloody fucking mess.”
I ignore him and shoulder bump the locked door open. They’re both huddled on the far side of the spacious bathroom. Priscilla is telling Mia that everything would be okay.
The minute they see me, both of them reach for me. I hurry across the room and kneel down in front of them. Reliefsurges through my body when they both move forward and fling themselves into my arms. I hate how scared they are.
Mia stammers, “You came for us.”
Before I can answer, Priscilla speaks soothingly, “Of course he came for you sweetie. He’s your dad and that’s what dad’s do.”