Page 57 of Rage's Solace
When I bring my cock up to run through her glorious slit, rubbing the head over her wet clit her hands come down to grasp my cock and rub it right where she wants. I put my hands on the bed on either side of her body and let her handle me how she likes. Everything with Priscilla is amazing, so I just look down at her closed eyes and open mouth enjoying the expression of pure joy on her face.
When she brings the head of my cock to her core, I take the hint and begin filling her with my thick shaft. She moans words of encouragement, fit to make me never want to pull out. I lower myself and begin pushing and pulling my cock in the way that give her the most pleasure. With her encouragement, I go faster until I’m pounding into her with a steady pace. Her hands come up to scratch at my chest. I adjust the angle of my cock until I am consistently rubbing against her g-spot.
I keep pushing us both higher and higher until we come together, my orgasm is so explosive I feel like I’m filling her to overflowing. While my cock is still buried deep and twitching, I bend down to kiss her, this time a long leisurely kiss that was meant to communicate how much I love her. She murmured, “I love you too.” I guess she got my unspoken message.
I collapse down onto the bed beside her, and she rolls over to cuddle against my chest.
She murmurs, “You are an amazing sex giver.”
I glance down to see her dreamy expression. “Sex giver? Did you just make up new words tonight?”
“Can’t think. My brain is too tired.”
I chuckle that she’s so messed up from having great sex with me. In this moment I realize I am truly the luckiest man alive.
Two Months Later
Ihold up my class schedule for Rage to see. “Becoming an x-ray tech takes only two years. They make good money and it’s something I always wanted to do. What do you think?”
Taking the schedule out of my hand, Rage looks it over. “I say you’re going to be the best x-ray technician in the whole hospital. I’m really proud of you for going back to college to get your degree.”
“They have two-year and four-year programs. I figure if I get through two years, maybe I can go for a four-year degree. If it’s hell on earth, I can just look for a job that only requires an associate’s degree, That’s a good idea, right?”
“Absolutely, Prissy. I just know you’re going to study hard and be good at your job.”
I smile as I look around the lodge he chose for our first couple’s weekend. Even though I won our little bet I decided that Rage could choose where we stayed, and I don’t think I could have picked a better place. I love the little wooden lodge with its view of the beautiful river out the window near our table in the restaurant. It’s just us, Mia is staying with Meli who has become like a grandmother to her. Rage was correct, family isn’t just about blood. But in our case, it is—we got the DNA results back and Mia really is his daughter. I was so happy I cried, Rage didtoo. I knew with all my heart that he’d love that little girl like his own whatever the results showed, but to know that she was truly his. I felt like I’d given him the best present ever.
A lot has happened in the two months since my parents tried to get me to marry my attacker. I’m not sure what Malcolm and Ashton’s fate was, while Rage and I talk about everything and we have a ‘no secrets’ rule, there’s some club business that is ‘need to know’ only. I guess I didn’t really need to know. But he’s reassured me that I would never have to worry about that pair ever again.
My mind goes to my parents and what they did to me, I guess I must have looked a bit wistful because Rage asks gently, “Do you want to talk about the sentencing?”
I glance away. “They both got eight years each. It made me angry because it doesn’t seem long enough.”
“I know, but you have to remember their charges all revolved around their insurance fraud, not around what they did to us all those years ago. There isn’t enough of a punishment that would be justice for that.”
“I know. The cops didn’t recover all the money though. I would have thought the punishment would be stiffer.” I hesitate for a moment before adding, “My parents are still upset because they can’t get a hold of Ashton or Malcolm. They keep telling everyone that the Savage Legion killed them.”
“And you’re worried that my club did murder them, right?” Rage asks.
I throw up my hands in a gesture of confusion. “I’m as curious as everyone else.”
He takes a deep breath. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“Yes,” I tell him decisively, “I’d really like to know.” Then just as quickly I change my mind, “No. Maybe I don’t. But are you sure they can’t hurt me again?”
“You’re safe from the Whitmores,” Rage says.
Part of me wants to know what happened, but I want to believe the past is in the past. I sit back in my chair, “Then this nightmare is truly over, right?
“Yes, it is. Malcolm Whitmore deserves to do time like your parents, but rich assholes like him always slip through the net. I don’t think he’s gonna be having such a lavish lifestyle where he ended up. As for Ashton…” he pauses and looks at me, I don’t know if I want to know his fate, but I need some reassurance, so I give Rage a nod to go on. “That evil fucker won’t be harming anyone or anything ever again, you have my word on that. You never have to worry again Prissy girl, I’m always gonna keep you and my little girl safe. You’ve got me and the Savage Legion behind you, no one messes with us.”
“I trust you to handle things, Rage. You know that I do.”