Page 13 of After Midnight
Dustin came and knelt beside me, as I lay on the couch with my legs still partially parted. He leaned over and kissed me soft and slow, while he held the full condom away with his right hand. My breath caught in my chest and I shut my eyes tight wishing the moment would never end.
He withdrew his lips from me and when I opened my eyes, his were thin slits, and a sly smile was on his face. “Where can I get rid of this?”
I pointed to the bathroom down the hall connecting the living room to my bedroom, and watched with baited breath as his firm ass went to it. When he disappeared from my sight, I exhaled all of the air I’d held in my lungs out in a loud gust. I was a ball of nervous energy as reason started to take hold.
What am I doing? I know nothing about this man, and I just let him into my home? I just let him fuck me like that, just because Jeanette said he could stay with me? Am I drunk? Were my cakes spiked?
I shook my head violently to try to clear the cobwebs. The walk of shame after a night of passion was one thing, but a head full of doubt was something altogether different. I had to find answers to put myself at ease before I did anything else stupid.
I needed to wipe myself but he was in the bathroom. So, I made a makeshift pad using some of the paper towels I had stored in the kitchen and placed the barrier between me and my panties as I pulled them and my jeans back up and around my hips. Whateverthiswas between us, I didn’t want to ruin it, but I also couldn’t stand pat like some lovesick schoolgirl while the captain of the football team cheated on me.
Cheated?I thought to myself.Shit! What if he’s married?
Dustin was still in the bathroom doing who-knows-what, so I hurried to the desk I had over on the side, and pulled out my laptop. I was a bit of a tech nerd, and loved to get electronics whenever I could. There was a laptop in my bedroom, one in the living room, and a tablet for easy use in the kitchen. I lifted the lid to power the laptop to life and opened an internet browser. I typed his name in the search, and scanned as the results came back. Site after site contained information of the world’s most famous fighters returned and as I clicked on each one, they all revealed the same information. The more I searched the more my eyes widened and my mouth dropped. There was nothing about him online. Not a social media page, not a comment, not even a random picture on an obscure website. It was if the man was a ghost.
“Fuck,” I said in a lowered tone.
“What’s wrong?”
The sound of his voice from off to my right made me jump out of my skin. My hand flew to my chest and I breathed in deeply to still my nerves. “Nothing. You scared me is all. How did you do that?”
“Do what?” He asked and plopped himself down beside me on my couch. Dustin had returned from his bathroom mission and leaned over my shoulder so he could see my screen.
I shut the lid and pivoted on the seat, putting one leg up and between us. “How did you sneak up on me like that? I never heard you coming.”
“Light on my feet, I guess,” he answered, and captured my foot in his hand.
He began to massage it, and as his rough hands worked magic through my flesh, I knew my makeshift paper towel pad was going to be of no help since it became warm and wet down there. “Dustin?” My eyes rolled back into my head, and his name escaped from my lips more as a moan than anything else.
“You really are sex-on-a-stick.”
“Ha!” His laugh was deep and hearty. “Is that what you’ve been calling me?”
“Mm,” I groaned and leaned back onto my elbows fully consuming the strength in his hands.
His soft lips kissed each of my toes and sent goosebumps up my leg and throughout my body.
“My name is Dustin,” he growled and moved my foot so my legs went together.
He reached up, grabbed my hips and clawed at my jeans till they were off me once again. I gasped as they scraped my hips on the way down, and when he spread my legs my pussy throbbed with such intensity, I closed my eyes and threw my head back onto the armrest of the couch.
Dustin entered me, and one of his hands reached behind and fisted my hair, holding my head back and in place. “Your pussy is so wet,” he grunted as he thrust and dominated me.
The pleasure within my body built until it was staggering and when I came, it was mind-blowing. My body shattered around him, and I groaned raw, intense noises as I shuddered against him. My legs quaked as he continued to pump into me with full, hard thrusts until he released, his cock twitching deep. I raised my hips to absorb all of him, opened my mouth and lost control of my senses as I screamed.
“What’s my motherfucking name?” He grunted low and gravely in my ear as he collapsed onto me, his chest pressing into my breasts.
“Dustin,” I said breathless, and opened my eyes.
“And don’t you forget it.”
“Fuck,” I said with a giggle. “If you’re going to be staying here, we’re going to need some ground rules.”
He leaned back with intensity on his face. “Like what?”