Page 13 of Midnight Dream
I nodded. Images of Steve’s behavior this morning flooded my mind. He also didn’t say anything.
“But, Jake came too one time. When the cops weren’t here.”
My mouth dropped to the floor.
“Did he say anything?”
Jeanette nodded. “Yeah. He told me what happened.”
I grasped both of Jeanette’s hands and guided her back to her seat beside Jake’s bed. There was another one across the room. I lifted it, careful not to make a sound loud enough to disturb Jake, and brought it close to her.
“Tell me.”
“Jake said, he and Dustin were having a couple of beers and a good time when Carl came by their table. He didn’t know Carl was in there. He was having too much fun with Dustin to pay attention.”
“Go on.”
“Anyway,” she said and sniffed, “Carl came up to them and started talking shit to Dustin. He said Dustin didn’t say anything in response. Just stood, put some money on the table and walked out.
Jake said he offered him a ride home, but Dustin waved him off and disappeared out the door. Carl laughed, called him a chicken-shit and went back to his table. Jake finished his beer and hung around for a while longer, catching up with Carson.”
“So, when did he get attacked?”
“Susie was still tending the bar, but she told him it was getting close to closing. Carl and his cronies had left by then, so he figured he was in the clear. He waited a bit longer to be sure and then he left out the door. That’s when somebody jumped him from behind and everything went black. He woke up here in Cook County.”
“Oh, Jeanie. I’m so sorry.” I reached over and hugged her neck as hard as I could.
She pulled back and dabbed at her eyes with tissue. “Thanks. Doctor Peters said it’s going to take some time, and rehab but the worst he has is a concussion and some broken bones. He’ll recover. Still, what are we going to do in the meanwhile while he’s off his feet. I don’t make enough to cover all of our bills, Dream.”
“Don’t you worry about that, I’ve got you. You just worry about your man and your beautiful kids.”
“Ha,” Jeanette chuckled. “You don’t make enough money in Dreamy to cover me, Dream. I know how the café is doing.”
I really need to take my P&L statement down off the wall for everyone to see.
“I told you, ‘I’ve got you,’ and I mean it. You don’t worry.”
Jeanette nodded, leaned her elbow against the bed, and rested her head in her palm. She shut her eyes and within minutes had drifted off to a restless sleep.
The sun was still up in the sky, but had started its downward journey. I needed money, and I needed answers, and I knew the man who could provide me with both. It was time to make a trip to visit Victor Cruz.
“Victor. Victor! Bring your wrinkly, old ass out here.”
The nerve. The chutzpah. The balls on this woman. I had to admire it, no matter how much it irked me. Her shrill voice reminded me of her mother. It reminded me of what I had to do.
The sun was near the horizon when Dream Moore barged into my house, leaving her destitute, dilapidated excuse for a car outside my home. People may not like my methods, but they are effective in getting me what I want.
“Hello, Dream,” I say as I descend the large staircase leading from my second floor to the entertainment area.
“Don’t hello me, you piece of shit.”
“And don’t you come intomyhome and disrespect me,” I informed her as my feet touched down. “Now, calm down so we can sign the papers.”