Page 12 of Crimson Mourning
Gregory leaned forward over his podium. “Interesting. Who do you believe attempted to assassinate you?”
“The failed attempt was from Lawrence.”
“Your brother?” Sorcha gasped. “He’s next in line in succession, is he not?”
“He is.”
Gregory leaned back. “Thenthisis not council business. This is at worst a coup, and at best, a family matter. Handle it yourself.”
“He also took Cassie.”
“Who?” Auberon asked.
“You know damn well who she is. Do not insult me by feigning ignorance. My wife.”
“Again, this is not council business,” Gregory returned.
“Your request to use the network is denied,” Auberon said.
“I’m on this fucking council because my house made it—“
“Wrong!” Auberon declared. “Yourfathermade the council. You’re only here because you’re his pup.”
“Even still. Your request does not affect world affairs,” Sorcha said.
“The council has always hated my union to Cassie. Listening to you all now, as you deny my request to locate that treasonous fuck, I’m beginning to wonder if his coup wasn’t a sanctioned activity.”
“You dare accuse the council of such underhanded schemes!” Auberon fired back. “Leave now pup, while we still allow it.”
“Or you may find yourself winding up like dear old dad,” Gregory added.
I exploded. These old fucks were stronger than me, but I was a pure vampire and younger. Before he could spew another venomous word from his foul mouth, I sped over to Gregory, pounced, and dug deep into the front of his neck. When I pulled, his throat came out as easily as if I was removing candy from its wrapping.
I launched Gregory’s throat straight at Sorcha before she could complete her statement. The meaty flesh smacked her in the face and made her take a step back, gagging as she moved.
I had to be quick. I picked up Gregory’s podium as he writhed on the ground, and heaved. Auberon was fast enough to dodge the projectile, but it was a ruse. I followed behind, and as he sidestepped the podium, I tore into him, grabbing his head and twisting. The snap of his neck was like music in my ears.
Sorcha held both hands up with her palms out. Gregory and Auberon weren’t in final death, but they were incapacitated. No matter how quickly they could regenerate, it wouldn’t be fast enough.
“Damon,” Sorcha pleaded. “Don’t do this. Please. You can use the network.”
“Please?” I said and spat on the ground in front of the immobile Auberon. The podium I tossed had shattered when it hit the ground, and left broken pieces of wood everywhere. I dropped down and scooped one up with a pointed tip. Satisfied it would do the job, I stepped over Auberon, and advanced.
“You had your chance.”
“What are you going to do?” Sorcha asked as she matched my forward movements with retreat steps, keeping the distance between us. “Kill us all? That won’t help you find Lawrence.”
“I told you earlier. If even one hair is ever misplaced on Cassie’s head byanyvampire, there’s no clan that could stop me. I’m here issuing the corrections I told you would happen.”
Sorcha’s back pressed into the wall of the chambers as she ran out of room to retreat. “This is a mistake.”
“The mistake was letting you three think you had authority over me. I may have abstained from voting, but not because you all declared it so. Myfatherplaced the council in a position to lead, not you three pompous fools. You should have remembered the fourth clan and our ways. Clan Shaye’smantra,” I said before I dove forward and drove the wooden tip into her heart. “Nothing is secure.”