Page 11 of Marked Resistance
Ilanis looked me from my head to my feet, then back to my eyes. “Probably a long time before that happens though, so don’t hold your breath.”
Okay, enough is enough.
“Who’s lead?” I asked.
Ilanis had done all the talking since I’d entered, she’d yet to answer my questions. As much as I hated it since we were not getting off on the right foot, I assumed she led as Kristopher had been on my previous team. She carried herself like an unavoidable bloodhound.
Ilanis tilted her head. “Shit, did you actuallyreadthe papers Command gave you, Youngling? He is.”
Oh great. He hasn’t looked at me once.
My shoulders sank and I sucked in a breath. Ilanis disappeared through a doorway which led to a darkened hall, and an envelope of silence fell over us, as he continued to pour over the papers on the counter. I took my right middle finger and scratched at my scalp as I waited for this dude to say something. When he didn't, I decided to clear my throat.
“Ahem,” I coughed.
He didn’t flinch. He simply held up his left hand behind him with his index finger pointed toward the ceiling.
These two really know how to make a girl feel welcome.
I pursed my lips and blew a strong stream of air at my forehead, as I wondered if there was a way I could convince Command to reassign me. This man already annoyed me, and Ilanis cornered the market on being an asshole. I could tell this would be a completely different team dynamic than I had with Kris and Tack. Kris worked hard to include us in anything, so we had unmatched team chemistry. I began to fidget with my hands as I thought about how this team would function. Here, Ilanis apparently ran the show while Xavier read papers all day. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes tight.
“Open your eyes, Youngling,” Ilanis said as she emerged from the hallway.
How the fuck didn’t I hear her coming?
“We’re going outside,” she continued.
“But—“ I started, and stared at Xavier’s back.
“Outside!” Ilanis demanded.
I tightened my fists but did as I was told and pushed back through the doors of the general store. The cool night air brushed my cheek as I stepped onto the rough pavement of the empty street.
“Alright, Youngling,” Ilanis called from over my shoulder. “Let’s see what you got.”
I spun around to see her close behind me. We were practically nose-to-nose.
“What’s your problem?” I asked with a frown.
“No problem, Youngling. I just don’t like you.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“ExactlywhyI don’t like you.”
My eyes tightened.
“Xavier and I have been hunting deserters, and I want to know where you stand.”
“What?” I scoffed. “You’re crazy. I’m Shaye.”
“You have the mark of our clan, but are you Shaye? You didn’t read your paperwork. You were supposed to report to Command within twenty-four hours. It took you almost forty-eight. What? Have a change of plans? Thought about going rogue? Bailing on your clan to go join somewhere else? What changed your mind, Youngling? Or maybe you’re not Shaye after all. Maybe you’re a spy from Disaris. You do have the look.”
“I don’t believe this. I didn’t have a change of plans, and I’m not from the Disaris clan. I’m here to help you bring down deserters. I’m Shaye, and I didn’t even know about the new twenty-four-hour time limit.”
“Bullshit. Everyone knew that changed. You’re lying to me.”
“And you’re full of shit.”