Page 25 of Marked Resistance
“Fucking right, we’re Shaye,” Grim added.
“No, you’re not,” I snapped.
Ilanis drew her sword with a quick flick of her arm. “What did you say?”
“You fucking heard me. I said you’renotShaye,” I retaliated and drew Assurance in response. “Because if youwereShaye, then you’d know that if Command sent it, we follow it.”
“Heh,” Grim chuckled but shook his head as he did. “We know that.”
I jabbed my right forefinger at both of them. “Then we’re not done. Command sent it, and Xavier put me as lead, which means I’m Command. You follow, or I’ll gut you both and feed you to whatever animals roam these roads.”
The air thickened with the silence between the three of us. My heart pushed the adrenaline pouring into my bloodstream and through my body so hard, my ears began to pound. I gripped Assurance and readied myself.
“Ha! You got spirit, Sweetheart,” Grim’s deep laugh cut the tension as his sword would human flesh. “Ok,Command. We’ll follow, you lead.”
I glanced at Xavier. He’d moved beside me, and stood at the ready.
When did he do that?
“What now,Command?” Ilanis asked, her mouth turned down.
“Spread out,” I responded, ignoring her attempt at disrespect. “If the target is still here, don’t engage without backup. If not, then try to find some clue as to where we should head next.”
Xavier took a step forward and situated himself between me and them. “And Ilanis? Don’t question her again. You either, Grim. Not while she’s lead and not while I’m here.”
Power raged through my veins like a river. With Xavier beside me, what more could she do other than listen to my commands and obey?
Grim nodded, turned, and headed to the right. Ilanis remained still and studied Xavier before her focus went to me. “She won’t alwaysbelead, Xavier.”
“But for now, she is,” he answered. “My will put her there. Don’t forget that.”
Her lips parted slightly and her eyes tightened before Ilanis turned and moved off to the left.
Bye-bye, bitch.
“Thanks,” I exhaled when they were gone.
“For what?” Xavier asked as he pivoted and faced me.
“For having my back. Somehow, knowing you were behind me gave me strength.”
“No, you found your own strength, I didn’t give you anything.”
“But I— “
“Zenobia,” Xavier interrupted and entered my space. “I’m just the ignition. Your fire is already there. Trust yourself.”
I bit my lip and nodded.
“I’m heading that way,” he pointed behind him. “You’ve got your lighter?”
I nodded again.
“My lead told me to search, so that’s what I’m going to do. Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.”
Xavier winked and sped off in the direction he decided to investigate, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Since all three chose directions covering the interior of the village, I decided to remain at the entrance and search.