Page 114 of Of Flames and Fallacies
Darian pulls the door open, his face melting into a sinister grin when he realizes it’s me. He leans a shoulder into the doorframe and flicks the door open. “Come in.”
I slink past him into his room, my breath catching when I stare at the tangled sea of sheets on his bed. The memories of last night flash into my mind— digging my fingers into his sheets, his body pressed into mine, gods how good he felt.
I swallow.
Darian strolls over to his desk, plopping into his chair. He leans back, perching his dirty boots on the desk as he uncorks hisflask. He takes a swig, and my eyes travel to the map underneath one of his boots.
I inch forward, motioning toward his flask. “A little early for that, don’t you think?”
Now it’s his turn to ignore me.
“So, you’ve come back for more?” he chirps. “Admittedly, I got carried away last night. Next time, you won’t be able to walk straight when I’m done with you.”
I roll my eyes, ignoring the shiver racing down my spine as I stalk over to him. My voice dips to a whisper, “No. I’ve come back to tell you that last night didn’t happen.”
“Oh? Really? Hard to say it didn’t happen. I’ll forever remember your gods-pleading moan and delicious skin in great detail.”
“It didn’t happen,” I hiss. “And it’snotgoing to happen again.”
He laughs and kicks his feet off the desk, swinging them beneath him as he stands. His green eyes darken. Walnut brown locks of hair sweep down over his forehead, tickling the dark lashes lining his eyes.
I glare. “I’m serious, you cocky bastard.”
His eyebrow quirks at my word choice. “Cocky, huh? Is that meant to be an insult or a compliment?” He takes a thumb and drags it down his tongue and bottom lip, so sensually slow I find myself holding my breath.
“Need I spell it out for you? It was a mistake,” I growl.
“I’d love to agree with you, kitten.” He reaches out and swipes his wet thumb slowly across my cheek. “But then we’d both be wrong.”
I shove him away from me, his muscled chest firm under my palms.
He smirks. “You had a little bit of dirt there.”
I don’t believe a bit of it. “You’re deplorable.”
“I know.”
“Is that all you ever know how to say?”
“What’s the point in arguing with you? I’d rather spend my time and energy doing…something else.” He breathes and looks down at my lips.
Turning away from him, I scan the map when I notice several letters scattered across his desk. One thing jumps out at me toward the bottom of every one of them.
‘Love, Celeste.’
My eyebrows raise, and my mouth parts in surprise. Great. I’ve now slept withtwotaken men?
He notices my stare and shifts his body between me and the desk, covering my sight line of the letters. Leaning back against his desk, he crosses his arms over his chest. “Nosy little thing, aren’t you?”
I mirror him and cross my own arms, leaning back into one hip. “Those all from your lover?”
He laughs. “No. Why? You jealous?”
I wrinkle my nose and shake my head. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh my gods, you’re actually…jealous?” He laughs again.
“What would I have to be jealous of?” A muscle ticks in my jaw, and I clamp it down. I turn and walk to his door. “You’re so conceited.”