Page 12 of Of Flames and Fallacies
Flame in flesh.
Blood of power.
I slam the cover closed with both hands, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. I press my hands down on the journal’s cover, as if it might fight against me and spring open at any given moment. Sweat coats my palms, and as I glance to my left I catch Daeja’s bewildered gaze.
Leland Blackwind—myfather.
My father’s journal.
And at that, arebel’s journal.
A snort escapes me at the absurdity of it all.
If the King himself were here, the last thing I’d worry about would be a rebel’s journal. The dragon hatchling herself climbing into my lap would be damning enough. Daeja nuzzles into my ribs as my breath slows. I stare at the back of my hands keeping the journal closed. The ring of white encircling my middle finger is so faint, I almost wonder if it was a trick of the waning sunlight.
Everything I thought I knew…I didn’t.
With shaky hands and a burning curiosity, I pry open the journal again and read.
There is much we have discovered about dragons over the years, and yet, so very little we do know. The origin of dragons is one of the biggest conundrums and is widely speculated. Most believe that the gods who created this world once resided here and created man and woman in their image. But they created dragons to embody the elemental forces. And to maintain peace and order amongst humans and creatures.
Man and woman were commanded to live in peace with dragons, trusting the dragons to provide a cosmic balance. And the dragons were to trust the humans’ laws.
A system of checks and balances.
This collection of my dragon research has been accounted for by elders and first-hand experiences. The names of these elders have been redacted for the safety of their persons and loved ones.
Shall this journal exist outside of the libraries of Agonsreach and I deceased, I beg the reader to burn this journal and all of its contents. Abstaining to do so could mean the death of many innocents, both human and dragons alike.
I stare at the page. Unsure whether I should read on or toss it into the river gurgling nearby. But there it says: to burn thisjournal and all of its contents. Knowing I can’t grant my father’s request, I turn the page to continue reading.
Dragons of different forms are sketched across the pages. Some of which I’ve never seen before: ones with no wings, ones without front legs, and others that resemble a snake.
Various measurements of wingspans and detailed illustrations of eyes and skulls litter the page alongside sections of scrawled notes.
Fire dragons:
All dragons of this breed breathe fire. They typically live near volcanoes and cannot tolerate colder climates. These dragons avoid water and cannot swim. Other atypical abilities observed in fire dragons: telekinesis of earthly matter such as rocks, triggering earthquakes, and manipulation of fire.
Earth dragons:
Dragons of this breed are quite stationary and sedentary within forested areas. These dragons are normally ingrained in their environments, so much so that it’s often hard to locate them. It’s unknown if they consume other sources of energy outside of solar. Myth has it these dragons can accelerate healing and control plants. Similar to their preferred environments, earth dragons are incredibly sensitive to fire and ice.
Water dragons:
Water dragons are hard to observe, considering many of them live in the depths of the ocean for a majority of their lives. They are mostly seen when they travel to shallower waters in the bays, lakes, and rivers for mating season and to lay eggs. It’s a mystery as to how long they can survive outside of water. These dragons have a myriad of abilities: echolocation, spouting jets of boiling water, camouflaging their scales, and producing electric shock waves.
Air dragons:
The most elusive of the breeds, these dragons are rumored to dwell within the northern hemisphere of the Dragon Lands. These dragons were executed by King Aaric when he came into rule. The last air dragon spotted by humans was at the castle of Vitalis shortly after the Great War.
Dragon hatchlings haven’t been observed often, due to the danger of getting close enough to collect any data.
We do know dragons are considered hatchlings for the first few months. It can take months to years for their scales to completely harden. Due to the lack of hardened scales, the vulnerable hatchlings typically stay with their kin until they’re able to defend themselves.
Hatchlings are not born with the ability to fly but learn over time. Should they have any magical capabilities, they usually don’t surface until well into their adolescence.
Females are notorious for being the biggest, strongest, and most territorial of the species. Additionally, they seem to have a deeper connection to their magical abilities. Females with hatchlings or eggs are especially dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.