Page 123 of Of Flames and Fallacies
The door whips open. Darian’s walnut brown hair is strewn about his head, and his loose shirt hangs off his strong shoulders. His eyes narrow to slits as he realizes who has been knocking on his door at such a late hour.
“The fuck do you want?” he growls.
Celeste responds in a much quieter whisper, so soft I can’t pick it up. With the two of them distracted, I slink closer, edging over to the storage tent separating mine and Darian’s rooms. Still crouched on the ground, I edge out an inch just to get a glimpse.
From this angle, I see both of their profiles. Celeste reaches out with a gloved hand, her features soft as she brushes Darian’s arm.
Darian tilts his head back at Celeste, anger simmering deep within his soul. He rips his arm back. “Don’t. Fucking. Touch me, Celeste.”
She retracts her hand reluctantly, eyes wide and pleading. “Can’t we at least talk?”
“You and I have absolutely nothing to talk about.”
“You’re…you’re being an asshole,” she murmurs.
I flinch, not expecting such a vulgar response from someone as proper as she is. Her voice edges on frustration and desperation.
His hand squeezes tight around his door frame. “Yeah, I know. After all this time, how is that a shocker to you?”
She holds his stare, her own jaw clenching and unclenching. “Can’t you at least hear me out? Iloveyou—”
His chest inflates, his posture straightening as he towers over her, his nose crinkling. His glare alone could burn a village to the ground. “Don’t you fucking use that word on me.”
I swallow, my breath nearly knocked out of my lungs by the severity of his tone. Feeling all too overwhelmed by the intensity of this private moment, I pull away from the corner and hide back behind the cover of the storage tent, staring out at the forest beyond the crumbling stone wall.
Darian’s voice cuts through the silence. “Get the fuck out of here. Go. You’re making this much harder than it needs to be.”
The sound of the door slamming shut rings in my ears.
Finally, a knock sounds at my door in the morning, and I absent-mindedly fiddle with small pieces of lint on my dress as I go to open the door. Celeste stands in the early morning light, her dark hair swept back into gracious curtains of pins. Brilliant pearls drip from her ears, a soft blush sweeping across her cheeks. She smiles warmly at me, her cheeks wrinkling her gorgeous blue eyes.
Gods, couldn’t she at least be unattractive? Or mean? I shove the thoughts away and the jealousy racing in with it.
“Good morning! Are you ready? We can stop for tea and pastries on the way into town,” Celeste chimes.
“Oh…that sounds great.” I force enthusiasm into my voice, as I scan her expression. Though, I find no hints of the despair she willingly showed Darian hours earlier.
She opens the crook of her arm, and I hesitantly link my arm with hers. She leads us away from camp, past the eastern outpost wall and into a clearing glittering with morning dew. In the sunlight, a white carriage gleaming with gold accents awaits us. Two majestic white horses hitched to the carriage reach down to nibble at the grass, their long tails flicking and ears swiveling to every noise. Perched atop the seat of the carriage is a gentleman dressed in formal black. He dips his head to us and jumps down to open the door. Inside the carriage are plush, velvety red seats adorned with golden buttons and trim. Even the windows arch in delicate golden swirls and curves.
Now I’m the one out of place.
Celeste allows me to enter first, and once both of us are sat, the gentleman shuts the door and returns to his post. The sound of the door closing reiterates my situation. We are alone. I’m not quite sure how far Windmere is from here by carriage. I’m hoping not too long, as I’m nervous I may inadvertently slip and give away my true heritage.
The carriage jerks forward to a roll. I watch the outpost’s stone wall and buildings disappear into the distance.
Celeste finally breaks the silence, “So, Kat! Cole told me you joined the squad recently. How have you liked it so far?”
I was really hoping we could enjoy the silence.
“It’s been…uhh…good.” I nod awkwardly. “I’ve learned so much in the short amount of time I’ve been here.”
“How marvelous! I imagine it’s been quite the adjustment transitioning from civilian life to military life.”
“It has. I’m still adjusting, but I don’t miss civilian life.” I glance out the window toward the forest. At least here in the King’s military I didn’t need to worry about where my nextmeal will come from. Although, it sure puts a strain on my relationship with Daeja.
“Oh? You don’t?” Celeste tilts her head to the side, her earrings twinkling with the motion.
“Well...maybe I do a little bit. I miss my mother—” I stop. “I-I mean, I miss my family.”