Page 47 of Amber Gambler
Kierce stood behind his shoulder, peering down at me with bright sparks glinting in his cool gray eyes.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” I told him before plastering on a smile for Matty. “Or you.”
“It was never Josie, was it?” Matty’s hands trembled on me. “I heard you screaming, Mary.”
From the dream realm. That was what he meant. I could tell from his pallor.
“Ankou has been visiting your dreams?” Kierce crackled with energy. “How often?”
“Only three or four times.” I wiped the sleep from my eyes. “But it’s fine.”
“It’snotfine.” Matty released me. “I’m going to fix this.”
This was the conversation I had been dreading, the one I was grateful to the asrai for postponing.
“You can’t stand watch over me every night.” I looked to Kierce for support. “It’s not real.He’snot real.”
“Frankie…” Kierce angled his head toward Badb, who bobbed her head. “He’s in Abaddon. Regenerating. He won’t be able to leave on his own for months, if not years, after you burned out a portion of his soul, but he will return. He always does.”
“Can he use a portal?” Matty took the words out of my mouth. “Like you did?”
Matty shrugged when he caught me staring a hole through his ear into his brain. The ward hadn’t let him in last night, but it must have allowed sound through. Good to know he—and Josieno doubt—had pressed an ear to the door, eavesdropping on our conversation.
“Not yet.” Kierce dipped his chin. “But soon.”
“The dreams aren’t dreams then.” I swallowed hard, clutching at Matty. “He’s reaching out to me.”
“They’re visions,” Kierce confirmed, “but I can block him if you trust me.”
The accusations Armie made rang in my ears, but how could I trust a liar to tell me the truth?
“How?” Matty tightened his hold on me. “What can you do that I can’t?”
“Your domain is the unconscious mind. I have no power there.” He rested his palm over my forearm, the touch bringing the brand to life on my skin. “I am a creature of Abaddon. I can claim Frankie?—”
“No.” Matty set himself between us. “I’m her brother. I’ll protect her.”
“What type of claiming are we talking about here?”
“Frankie.” Matty whirled on me. “It’s not happening.”
“Kierce?” I patted my brother’s hand. “What are the parameters?”
“I am allowed my acolytes.” A grimness overtook his features. “They give those like me strength.”
“You want my sister to worship you?” Matty barked out a laugh. “That’s hilarious.”
More curious than I ought to be, I couldn’t help myself. “What does that entail?”
“Your belief, not in me but in the sanctity of death, would magnify my power.”
“I’m going to get Josie.” Matty gave up on me. “Maybe she can get through to you.”
“Can I think about it?” I had to weigh the good of protection from Armie against a subservient tie to Kierce. “I’ve got a lot ofquestions for you. I want to understand more, about everything, before I take that step.”
A brand to summon him was one thing, but to make it reciprocal? That might be fair to him, but it didn’t mean it was a smart idea for me. Though it was clear my brother had no faith in my ability to make sound decisions, at least not where Kierce was concerned, I wasn’t going to jump into a commitment blind.
“Of course.” Kierce removed his hand. “The choice is yours.”