Page 7 of Up All Night
Only Denver could make the wordbossysound so sexy. All the air rushed out of my lungs. “Oh, fuck yes.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He gave me a feral grin before jerking a thumb at the tub. “Into the shower.”
The water was bracingly hot, almost but not quite too much, not unlike Denver himself. On my own, I would have turned down the heat, but here, I was more than content to wait for Denver’s next order.
And wait.
He took his damn time stepping into the tub, arranging the shower curtain, and pulling out his ponytail elastic from his hair. He shook his hair loose, and it was longer than I’d expected, falling in haphazard curls around his shoulders. Moving to stand in front of me, under the spray, he wet his hair before lathering it with a thick, creamy shampoo that made me think of other creamy white fluids. My dick pulsed hard, bobbing against my belly.
The effortless way Denver carried out the task transfixed me. His shampoo smelled like fruity coconuts and came in a lavender bottle that proclaimed its suitability for curly hair, yet Denver radiated masculine energy. Everything from the way his big fingers dug into his scalp to the delicate way he untangled the waves of hair while rinsing to the flex of his meaty biceps turned me on.
I hissed in a breath as he shuffled around so I had an equal amount of the water spray. He was close enough now that I could feel his warmth as well as the water’s. Another centimeter in any direction and our bodies would touch, and my every nerve ending tingled with anticipation. But I stayed rooted to the spot, mere seconds away from begging for another command.
Denver chuckled knowingly. “Nice as your eyes are, we need to find a use for your hands.”
“Wash me.” He handed me a thick slab of soap that smelled like nutty butter with undertones of coffee and spice. Happy, I accepted the soap and immediately reached for his impressive cock. Might as well start with the good parts. But all that earned me was a clucking noise and a head shake from Denver. “Nah-uh. Do it right.”
The sternness in his tone made me want to earn his approval and praise, to not simply do it right, but do it the best he’d ever had.
“This?” Moving deliberately, I started with his neck, digging my fingers into the thick cords of muscle before moving to his shoulders, rubbing and soaping.
“Perfect.” His praise felt warmer than the near-scalding water and made me spend that much more time on his chest, soaping, rinsing, repeating. He had more chest hair than it had seemed at first glance, and I loved how it crinkled against my palms. A rumble not unlike a purr escaped his lips and his eyes flickered shut. Emboldened, I washed lower, skating over his soft belly, all around his proud cock, but not touching it. Denver chuckled. “I see what you’re doing.”
“Did I say stop?” He gave me a pointed look, so I resumed my efforts, soaping his powerful thighs. “Keep going. Got more to wash.”
I took that as permission to reach for his cock again, gently washing it and his heavy balls. A dick other than my own was a novelty, yet Denver feltrightin my hand. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, enjoying the way his plump cockhead poked out of my fist. I jacked him experimentally, using a looser grip than I would for myself.
“Mmmm.” Head tipping back, he moaned low, and all I wanted in the world was to figure out how to coax more of those pleasured sounds from him. I swept my thumb across his tip, gathering a slick bead of precome, but the shower washed it away before I could lick my finger.
“Jesus, I want to taste you.” The words came out in a breathless rush.
“Yeah?” Denver didn’t seem nearly as surprised as I was at my request. “On your knees then.”
He turned and spread his stance wider, allowing me to kneel on the anti-slip mat on the bottom of the tub.
“Thank you.”
“No thanking me yet.” Denver gave a wicked smile as he gripped his cock, waggling it in front of my face. “Open wide.”
He traced my lips with his cockhead, and I greeted it with enthusiastic licking. Denver made a noise of approval before releasing his shaft and letting me take over. Enthusiasm seemed to be working for me, so I set about mimicking my favorite porn blowjobs, going fast and deep.
I promptly choked as I encountered a heretofore undiscovered gag reflex. Not one to be defeated, I tried again, but going slower didn’t make me more coordinated. I was overthinking this, and I made a frustrated noise.
“Easy, baby. You don’t have to set any records here.” Denver pitched his voice more soothing than stern, which hardly helped my irritation at my ineptitude. But then he fisted his cock again, lower this time, and resumed teasing my lips. “Here, let me drive.”
“Yes.” Oh, I liked this, not having to think or worry about choking. All I had to do was chase his cockhead with my tongue, sucking when he allowed, taking only what he gave me. “Yes.Please.”
I wasn’t sure what I was begging for, only that I wanted more of this floaty sensation, adrenaline surging as anticipation replaced any fear over giving up control.
“You like this?” Denver fed me a bit more of his shaft, and amazingly, this time, I didn’t choke. For all that Denver was a near-stranger, I trusted him. He wouldn’t give me more than I could take, and he knew exactly what he wanted. No more guesswork on my part. “This what you want? Me to use your mouth?”
“Yes. Yes.” Warm water sluiced over my back, and Denver’s dirty talk further heated me, but a shudder raced through me, hands shaking from how badly I wanted more.
“Good. Keep those teeth back, and just let me fuck that gorgeous mouth of yours.” Denver set a slow, easy tempo of shallow thrusts, dragging his cock against the flat of my tongue on every retreat. I loved the weight of his shaft and the way it pulsed, a vital energy to his cock I couldn’t have anticipated but was quickly coming to crave. Feeling bold, I stroked his balls. “Nah-uh.” Denver made a low warning noise. “Hands on my hips. Pinch me if I go too hard, but I think you can take it.”