Page 10 of Off the Clock
My hand snaked forward on a humanitarian mission I hadn’t authorized. However, right as I was about to touch Caleb’s shoulder again, voices sounded.
“Dude, you owe me another twenty.”
I recoiled as two uniformed crew members came through the bay, quickly followed by a third.
“Dudes.Both of you stop betting on sports.”
“Let me take the idiot’s cash, Suzy.”
Stepping back, I didn’t make eye contact with anyone, busying myself in crouching to examine the soles of a pair of boots. I had no business letting Caleb generate more than a casual level of sympathy from me. The more I got to know him, the more Ilikedhim. Worse, I’d apparently invited the guy over after work.Danger.The alarm bells I’d heard with our first collision kept blaring louder and louder.
Chapter Six
Scotty was not as enthusiastic about meeting the other football players as I’d hoped, grumbling the whole walk over to Eric’s place about how he didn’t need me to coordinate his social life.
“Come on. Stop looking like I’m taking you to a math test.” I ordered as he lagged behind. It took all my self-restraint not to snap that at least he had the hope of a social life. My own was likely in the deep freeze for the next year.
Talking to Tony earlier had helped some. Not to mention the moment I’d been sure he was going to touch me, possibly more than touch. My abs tensed at the memory. Probably a product of my overactive imagination. Regardless, finding someone who had been in a similar situation had been nice, even if he thought I was being a martyr and putting too much responsibility on myself.
However, what he didn’t understand was that Scotty likely wouldn’t be in this situation if I had been around more, less concerned with going out with friends in my late teens and early twenties, less into building my career, and more involved in hislife. I owed him and Mom my best effort to save Scotty from himself.
Resolved, I marched toward the sound of young voices in the backyard of Eric’s large yellow Victorian. John and two other teens were engaged in a shoving match with much laughter. Meanwhile, Sean and Denver lounged in wooden Adirondack chairs in front of the small carriage house. On the deck of the main house, Tony sprawled on a metal chaise, looking as lickable as ever and giving me all sorts of thoughts about what two could get up to on that chair. It was a cozy, friendly scene, one I hoped would lessen Scotty’s scowl.
“Hey, Caleb.” Tony waved as we approached the deck. Did his gaze linger? Was his smile that much wider? I couldn’t tell before he motioned at Scotty. “And you must be Scotty. Let me introduce you around.”
Tony hefted himself off the chaise and came down into the yard to introduce Scotty to John, whom I knew, Tony’s nephew, Cosmo, who had Tony’s height and a tackle’s build, and Cosmo’s friend, Elliot, a linebacker, who looked closer to thirty than seventeen, complete with beard.
“Are you going to play?” John asked Tony.
“Nah. That’s why I recruited others for you.” Tony gave a dismissive gesture as he headed back toward his chaise. “I’m going to chill on the deck with Caleb.”
Of course, no one askedmewhether I wanted to play. My reputation must have preceded me. But in addition to not wanting to play, I also didn’t want to embarrass Scotty, so I didn’t volunteer. Besides, the chance to talk more with Tony was only too tempting. I took an empty deck chair near Tony, trying to look more relaxed than I felt.
However, rather than chat, Tony watched quietly as the boys started throwing the football around and practicing moves. Scotty moved fluidly, running and throwing, and it didn’t takelong before he was laughing with the others and directing their actions.
“Your brother’s a born quarterback.” Tony’s tone was more than a little wistful, and he flexed his hand against his side.
“It’s okay if you want to play with the kids.” I pointed out at the yard. “I don’t need entertaining.”
“No, I need to skip the roughhousing.” Tony groaned and stretched his right arm overhead. “My shoulder’s been acting up, and I’ve got the fire academy PT test looming.”
“Shoulder pain is no fun, but I’m sure you’ll do fine on the test. You’re definitely in good shape.”Crap.Did that sound like I’d been checking out more than his fitness level? I hurriedly added, “I bet you were good at football in high school.”
“I was.” Tony’s voice took on a faraway tone. “Had a Division One scholarship lined up, offer letter ready to be signed. I was going to be the first football player from Mount Hope to play Division One college ball. We were actually good that year. Our single season of glory.”
“What happened?” I kept my voice low, hoping to keep him talking.
“Tale as old as time.” Tony laughed bitterly. “Took a hard hit in the last game of the regular season. I was distracted because of family shit, not enough sleep, didn’t have my usual reflexes. Not that excuses matter.” He gave a wave of his hand before adjusting the pillows on the chaise. “I landed awkwardly, broke my shoulder, and did a number on some ligaments. Recovery was long and painful, made worse by a lack of decent health insurance. The scholarship offer evaporated, and I ended up at the community college here in town.”
“That’s how you met Sean and Eric?”
“Yep. I was tired of butting heads with my old man, so moving into an apartment with my friends felt like a great option. I was still close enough to keep an eye on my sisters.However, I wasn’t earning enough to help the family and make rent, so when the army came calling, it seemed like the better bet than continuing with EMT and firefighter training.”
“I’m sorry.” My heart ached for his younger self, the dreams he’d had to leave behind.
“Don’t be.” Tony pursed his perfect lips, full eyebrows furrowing, the most attractive dismissal of sympathy I’d ever witnessed. “Serving in the Rangers was the best thing that ever happened to me. And hey, now I get a do-over on the fire academy.”