Page 33 of Off the Clock
“You’re cheating.”
“Nah.” I wiggled my ass happily. Straddling his face like this could have been super awkward, but with Tony, the position was fun and playful, like the rest of the outing. I liked the unusual angle as well because it let me slide farther down his length than usual, making me look like a deep-throating rockstar. I added some of the hard suction he always loved before pulling back slightly. “I’ve just figured out what you like.”
“Fuck, yeah, you have.” He reached down with the hand that wasn’t on my cock to push lightly on my head, encouraging more attention from my mouth. And I was only too happy to give it, sucking and licking, determined to make him moan loudly enough to shake the trees. He was lazily licking my cock, and it did feel amazing, warm and wet, but my attention was very much on making Tony come first. Judging by the copious amounts of precome he was leaking, I was near victory. “God. Close. But I wanna win.”
“Nah.” I sucked harder, sliding up and back, rocking on my knees to facilitate the motion of my hand and mouth.
“Let’s both win,” he pleaded breathlessly.
“You first.” I was relentless, sucking and milking his cock with my tongue.
“Twist my…” He trailed off into a series of moans. “Oh hell yes, Caleb, keep doing that.” His body tensed, back arching, hand falling away from my cock as he came in my mouth. “Fuck.”
The way he shuddered and shook was almost enough to get me there, more so when he started sucking my cockhead and jacking me even before he fully caught his breath. I swallowed the last of his come and rested my head on his firm stomach. Now that I’d gotten him off, I could focus more fully on my own pleasure and on how damn well Tony already knew my body. Lots of friction with his hand, a little suction with his mouth, a few flicks of the tongue, and I was on the edge.
“Yeah. More.” My hips started rocking again, involuntarily chasing more sensations as Tony added a spit-slick finger teasing my rim. He was indeed a fast study. “You’re gonna get me there.”
“Good.” He chuckled, breath warm against my balls. “Kinda inventing stuff on the fly.”
“Well, it’s working.” My ass clenched as he sucked my cock in a little deeper, fist tightening on the base. “There. There.”
My chants gave way to moans as I came. Surprisingly, I burst out laughing as I came, giddy, uncontrollable chuckles. I’d never experienced an orgasm quite like this, a true release of tension, what felt like years’ worth. I came and came, and Tony swallowed it all, rubbing my hip encouragingly as I laughed my way back down to earth.
“That was surreal.”
“Agreed. How does it keep getting better between us?” he asked like he might not expect an answer.
I suspected I knew, but the real answer was likely to send him running for the hills, so I adopted a cocky tone. “Maybe I’m just that good.”
“You are.” He swatted my ass lightly as I flipped myself back around. “We’re all sweaty and sticky.” He shook his head as I settled in against his chest. “So much for keeping cool.”
“Nah. We’ll just rinse off again.” I gave him a fast, sleepy kiss. “No regrets.”
“No regrets.” Tony echoed my words, but tightness around his eyes called him a liar. And I should have made him talk it out, but he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. We both yawned, and all I wanted to do was nap in the sun with this man, regrets be damned.
Chapter Sixteen
The bright afternoon sun was directly overhead by the time Caleb and I headed back down the mountain.
“Are you sure you didn’t get sunburned?” I teased, motioning at the suspiciously pink tinge on the back of his neck. We were fully clothed again, but the memory of our outdoor lovemaking lingered.Lovemaking.Funny, I’d never thought of sex in such fanciful terms before, but it fit here. More playful than fucking, more emotional than sex, more orgasmic than making out…lovemaking it was. And I was already dreaming of the next time we could get naked. “If your brother’s still gone when we get back to town, I’ll do a thorough inspection for sunburn and apply some aloe for you.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Caleb laughed, grinning back at me.
Giddy with the thought of more naked time, I almost missed the first shriek that rattled through the forest. But there was no mistaking the second yell.
“Help! Help!” A late teen or early twenties girl came dashing up the trail toward us. She had flimsy sneakers that were moreabout style than hiking practicality, and she narrowly avoided slipping down the side of the mountain. Her frizzy blonde hair escaped a messy ponytail and her arms and bare legs were dirt-streaked liked she’d already fallen at least once. “My boyfriend fell, and now he’s stuck on a piece of metal of some kind. I think he’s dying.”
“Show us.” Caleb immediately took charge of the situation. “We can help. I’m a firefighter, and Tony’s in training.”
“Back this way.”
I had no clue what the young woman had been doing running up the mountain and not back to the parking area, and my senses went on red alert for some kind of trap. Out in the field as a Ranger, I’d learned to be cautious about such things, and I kept glancing around as she led us off the trail and down a steep ravine less than a mile from the trailhead.
However, as soon as I spied Maren, Eric’s eldest kid, crouched over a pale guy I also recognized, things started to make sense.
“Maren?” Of course, Maren would know the location of the super-secret trail, and naturally, she’d bring her friends along to escape the Mount Hope heat. “What happened?”