Page 36 of Frat House Fling
“Sure.” I was curious what she wanted. Maybe a way out of her bartending duties at the party? I couldn’t blame her for that. Or maybe to ask me to try to get the other guys to lay off her? Theo had told me how badly Bennett and Grant treated her, but to be honest, I hadn’t really noticed until tonight. My mind was pretty much always on my coursework, whether I was in class or out of it.
That seemed like a copout, now. So far, I’d only done the bare minimum for her, and that wasn’t enough. “What do you want to know?”
She hesitated. “That new guy—um, I mean, he’s not new, but I hadn’t met him before. Dave. Does he have one of the rooms up on the third floor, the ones over mine?”
That was the last thing I’d expected her to inquire about, but I shook my head. “No. His room is down by Theo’s.”
“Thank you,” she said, a smile spreading across her face.
I hadn’t the slightest clue what she was smiling about, but she sure looked pretty when she did.
The bass from the speakers thumped so hard I could feel it in my chest. The place was packed shoulder to shoulder with bodies moving, swaying, and grinding under the dim, multicolored lights we’d rigged up earlier. It made me feel claustrophobic, even though the bar was between me and the partiers.
I filled one red cup after another. It had been a long time since I had manned the handheld draft nozzle, but muscle memory had taken over when the lines got long.
A shriek from the corner alarmed me, but it quickly became apparent it was a shriek of pleasure. A couple had their hands all over each other in a way that should probably have been saved for a bedroom—just hopefully not mine.
The crowd surged toward the center of the room, where some guy—I think it was Brad—was doing a handstand on a keg, egged on by cheers and shouts. On the far side of the room, a group of girls had climbed onto the coffee table and were dancing like they didn’t care if it broke under them. One of them had neon bracelets on her wrists that flashed every time she threw her hands up. That particular movement also made the skimpy crop top she wore rise up, and there was a crowd of drunken guys following her every move.
I didn’t know what made me look over to the left, but there was a pretty girl, her dark eyes flashing, who was trying to skirt around the crowd. She kept getting bumped into by frat brothers—whether from Rho Kappa Alpha or elsewhere—who weren’t paying attention. If they had been, they would’ve been all over her.
Her little black dress had a halter top, which was basically two wide strips that rose up from the high waist and covered her breasts while still leaving ample room for her cleavage to peek through. The halter straps tied behind her neck, and I sincerely hoped they were tied tightly. Or that they’d been reinforced by a stapler or a padlock or something. She was a brave girl.
And likely a thirsty one, since she was headed this way. Her full lips pursed together as she picked her way around the remaining partiers. It couldn’t have been easy to navigate the crowd in those high heels. She?—
Oh shit. It was Hailey.
She was breathless when she arrived, and I stepped back to allow her behind the bar, where she’d be safer, but not entirely safe. What the hell had Bennett been thinking, telling her to dress like that?
Not that she didn’t look hot as fuck. Her hair was up in a loose and sexy updo. It reminded me of the way a woman looked when she woke up after a long night of enthusiastic sex.
“Sorry I’m late,” she shouted above the music. I almost laughed. She was apologizing for not delivering herself to this hellish gathering earlier? We were the ones who should be apologizing to her for putting her through this.
“It’s fine,” I said, bending down so she could hear me. “And you look amazing.” She was definitely going to get a ton of compliments from men tonight—some sincere, some suggestive, and some worse, but I couldn’t help telling her how good she looked.
She blushed, looking down at the slinky little dress. “Thank you. I borrowed this from my friend Naomi. I’ve never been to a frat party before. She said to dress like I would for a nightclub, but I’ve never been in one of those, either.”
I handed out bottles of beer to the greedy hands that reached for them and mentally gave myself a stern talking to. I was here to protect this girl, not ogle her. But damn, she looked good.
Why the hell had she followed Bennett’s instructions to the letter? He was going to cum in his pants when he saw her. And now he was going to think that he was entitled to make other sexist demands of her.
Theo was right, I did need to pay more attention to what was happening under my own roof. Of course, when I had an exam coming up, I barely knew what was happening under my own nose. But that was no excuse.
Hailey dove in, popping off bottle caps like a pro as she handed out beer. Maybe I wasn’t going to have to teach her that much. Anyone could work the nozzle for the draft beer, and it was kind of fun.
But then two guys from a neighboring frat made their way over to the bar. Their eyes practically popped out of their heads when they saw Hailey.
“Can you work at our party next week?” The dude’s question was for Hailey, but his eyes were on her cleavage.
“Why wait until next week?” his buddy asked. “She can come over anytime.”
Hailey’s cheeks turned red, and she ducked her head to find the IPA they’d asked for. I couldn’t tell if she grabbed the right one, but I didn’t think her admirers would care. Or even notice, judging from the alcohol fumes radiating from them. Then three giggling girls approached the bar. Ignoring Hailey, they made a beeline straight for me.
When I was done getting their drinks, I caught Hailey looking around the room with wide eyes. There was movement everywhere as people danced, jumped, and swayed to the deafening music.
Her jaw dropped, those perfect pink lips forming a circle as she looked off to the right. I followed her gaze to see what had surprised her.