Page 16 of Restless Ink
“So I hear,” Molly said, smiling. “They’ve always been that way for as long as I’ve known Thea. I might have to join them next time. I had to say no for tonight, but maybe not in the future.”
Dimitri just nodded, a weird feeling crawling over him. Guilt. He knew he shouldn’t feel it, but he did. This was so damn complicated, so tangled, and he knew that Mollyhadto be told the truth. But not until he talked to Thea. This was Thea’s truth to give just as much as his, and they needed to be on the same page about it, or at least know what pages existed before they told Molly anything.
Once again, he was an asshole.
“Anyway, Captain is in the den. I have his food next to him, but I think he’s sulking.”
Dimitri winced. “Sounds about right. The vet says he’s fine.”
“Just misses you.” Molly’s eyes filled with tears, and she blinked them away. “Sorry. I just hate that he’s like this.”
Dimitri resisted the urge to reach out to hug her and give her comfort. He still smelled of Thea and knew he should have showered, but he’d wanted to get to his dog as soon as possible. In doing so, he’d crossed so many lines it wasn’t even funny.
“Me, too, Molls. I’ll be in the den.”
“Thanks, Dimitri.” She smiled once more, her eyes dry again, and he walked toward the den, stuffing his hands into his pockets since he didn’t know what else to do with them. Molly had closed the door for some reason, so as soon as he walked inside, his dog looked up, his eyes bright.
Captain had been lying on his rug—one that had originally been for the living room until the dog had made it his own and dragged it with him around the house. Molly had been so damn mad, but Dimitri hadn’t been able to work up too much anger since Captain hadn’t destroyed anything else in the house, just that area rug that he’d claimed as his. It could have been worse. Though when Dimitri had said that, Molly hadn’t been too pleased with either of them.
Dimitri went to his knees as Captain bounded over to him, sniffing, licking, and being so damn affectionate, Dimitri almost fell backwards.
“Hey, boy. I can’t stay long, but I need you to eat some dinner. How about that?” Captain whined, licking Dimitri’s face a few more times before going to his bowl and demolishing his food.
Dimitri let out a sigh, then moved over so he could sit by his dog and pet him as he ate. Of course, his damn dog had only wanted Dimitri’s company and had used any means to get it. This would have to stop, though he had no idea how to make it happen. It was putting a strain on all of them, and he hated the fact that Captain wouldn’t do certain things for Molly just because he missed Dimitri. He missed his dog, as well, but things were complicated.
Dimitri thought of Thea again.
So damn complicated.
He spent another twenty minutes with Captain before the golden finally fell asleep on his rug. Dimitri tiptoed out. He hated the whining that came when he had to leave, and it broke a little more of him every time he had to do it. It wasn’t a fair situation for anyone, but for now, it was the way it had to be.
As he quietly made his way to the front door, Molly was there, her hands folded over her stomach.
“He’s sleeping now.”
“I gathered. He loves you so much, Dimitri.”
He blew out a breath. “I know.”
She walked up to him then, rubbing at his jaw with her thumb. When it came back red—the same color lipstick Thea had been wearing—he held back his reaction.
“I’m glad you had fun tonight,” she whispered.
He didn’t say anything, couldn’t. She might have guessed about Thea, or maybe thought he’d been with someone else after the party and before coming to her place for Captain. Dimitri didn’t know, but he didn’t have the words anyway.
He needed to talk to Thea.
Dimitri met Molly’s eyes, gave her a nod, then walked out of the house, feeling as though he’d been kicked in the gut after burning everything around him.
One decision had changed everything, had possibly cost him more than he could bear. And yet as he thought of Thea, thought of what could happen next, he wasn’t sure he’d have made another choice.
And that was something he’d have to think about as he waded his way through the tangled mess he currently found himself in. He just prayed he didn’t break those he cared about in the process.
Chapter 8
Thea poured herself another glass of wine, trying not to go overboard like she had the night before. But two glasses while she was at home and not driving anywhere with her family and friends surrounding her wasn’t a bad thing.
As long as she wasn’t near Dimitri, she was fine.