Page 30 of Falling With You
“You’re the one who said that you wanted to drive me. That means you’re going to have to wait on me. I had a long day, and I’m still not done with my hair.”
“Seriously? Your hair. Could you be any more of a woman right now?”
That put my back up, and I stomped over towards him, my hair half dry, and only wearing a tank top and leggings.
I ignored the way his gaze traveled over my body. Yeah, I had curves, and he could just shut the fuck up about them. He didn’t look at me that way because he wanted me. Aiden never wanted me.
There was a reason for that. I wasn’t Allison. And that was just fine. I was getting over it.
“You did not just say that. Do not ever say anything like that again.”
He held up his hands. “Sorry. Just slipped out. I swear, I’m not an asshole.”
“Yeah, you are. You relish it. Usually not a misogynistic asshole, though.” And it was hot because he wasn’t cruel about it. I had issues.
“That is true. At least, I hope.”
I just sighed and put my hands on my hips. “You do get overprotective and growly, but I think that’s just natural. Anyway, give me five minutes.”
“There is no way you can get your hair and makeup done in five minutes.”
“Oh, so you’re saying I need to have my makeup on?”
He held up his hands, his eyes wide. “I’m not even going to touch that with a ten-foot pole. Don’t try to trap me, woman. I know what a trap sounds like. And that was very much a trap.”
I just smiled, snorting. “Okay, that was totally a trap. Sorry. I don’t usually lay those out for you like that. Or anyone for that matter. That just seems wrong.”
“And yet you did it anyway.”
“It’s just so easy with you.”
“So you say. But, really, it’s going to take you way more than five minutes. We’re already late. They’re probably going to start the damn pool tournament without us, and that means I’m going to have to deal with my brothers being pissed off at me for like a month. And I really don’t want to deal with that. They’re so fucking hormonal when they’re pissed off.”
I narrowed my eyes. “There you go again, making sexist comments.”
“I am not.” He paused. “Fuck. I am.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m tired. And I don’t want to deal with this pool thing tonight, but I don’t really have a choice. Because it was Brendon’s idea, and that means we have to make sure that everything goes perfect for him.”
I tilted my head, staring at him. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing’s up with me.”
I took a couple of steps forward and put my hands on his arm. “Something is up with you. You’re acting weird.”
“I’m always weird, according to you.”
“Yeah, but now you’re weirder.”
“Fuck you, Sienna.”
I wish.
I let that thought run through my mind, and then promptly ignored it. There would be no fucking Aiden tonight. Or ever. He was my late best friend’s ex-boyfriend. There were rules. And one didn’t poach. Especially when everyone was still grieving.
I already felt like an asshole for always wanting him. Even when I shouldn’t. I really wasn’t going to want him right then.