Page 40 of Falling With You
“I don’t know. But if this little kitten needs a home, I can’t take it, so that means you have to.”
I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth. “Fine,” I said and then smiled. She took a step back, probably a little wary of my smile. She should be. “We’ll take the cat to the vet. If it needs a home, I’ll take it home.”
Her eyes widened, and she smiled.
“But,” I said quickly before she interrupted, “only if you go on a date with me.”
Chapter Nine
There’s nothing a glitter cannon can’t fix.
-Sienna, age 26.
“I’m goingon a date with Aiden tonight,” I whispered, looking down at Runway on my chest. “I cannot believe I agreed to go on a date with Aiden!”
Runway glared at me for daring to wake her up, and then settled more firmly on my chest as the three other cats on the couch either played with each other or purred.
I was the cat lady with a date, and I had no idea how it had happened.
We had gone to the vet, and the vet had said the kitten was okay, it just needed a home. And Aiden had offered to take him home. But only because he had somehow gotten the agreement out of me that I would go on a date with him. How had that happened? I still didn’t know. It shouldn’t have. I was not going on a date with Aiden Connolly.
I sighed.
I was totally going on a date with Aiden Connolly. And I was probably going to hell on top of it.
And I was losing my damn mind at the same time. All of that had happened the day before. And that was why I was currently sitting on my couch, surrounded by my cats, watching another episode ofMy Little Pony. Because there was nothing a glitter cannon couldn’t fix. And Pinky Pie, the little, pink pony with the bright pink hair and a case of ADHD most likely, made me smile. Because I was seriously losing my mind, and I needed something that didn’t make me think, that just made me smile.
Because I wasn’t supposed to go on a date with Aiden Connolly.
Aiden had been Allison’s. And, yes, I had slept with him, but that had been a mistake. We had both agreed that.
Okay, we hadn’t actually talked about it to make a firm agreement, but it had to be the case. Because he had loved Allison. He didn’t love me. We were just friends.
We’d just slipped and fallen into each other. Over and over and over again.
Yes, that was totally what I could say.
I really needed a drink. Or another episode ofMy Little Pony. That would make me feel better.
I still couldn’t believe I was going on a date tonight. With Aiden.
This was such a mistake, but I couldn’t back out now. He knew where I lived. And he had taken little Diego with him.
Aiden had named the kitten Diego. Instead of Little Fucker, like he had wanted to.
I didn’t know how it had happened, but somehow, I was doing the one thing I’d always wanted to do, even though I knew it was the one thing I never should, and Aiden now had a little kitten at home.
A sexy man with a beard and a growl while holding a kitten?
There was no way I could say no to that.
There was something seriously wrong with me.
I had no idea what I was doing tonight.
Because this wasn’t just a normal date.