Page 5 of Falling With You
“Sorry,” I whispered, but my voice was a ragged exhale.
He cursed under his breath, and I had no idea what happened next. I didn’t pass out, I was awake, but everything just happened so quickly. The cops were suddenly there, sirens blazing. People were running, shouting. I didn’t know what was wrong. I didn’t know anything.
I just found myself being pulled from Aiden’s arms, his growl of a voice telling them what he had seen.
He gave his statement, and then there were paramedics, taking care of us both.
I still had my purse on, but my keys were on the ground, and my phone was somewhere down the alley.
I think I told them that, but I don’t really remember.
I blinked a few times, and then I was in the ER, sitting on the edge of one of those beds.
My feet dangled, and I wondered why. Shouldn’t I be lying back? Shouldn’t I be settled, trying to get better?
Why was I sitting?
“Miss Knight? I need you to answer a few questions, okay?”
The female doctor was sweet, her voice soft. Caring. And I needed that. I didn’t know why, but I needed that.
“They didn’t touch me,” I said quickly. Because I knew that look in her eyes, I knew what she was asking. “They didn’t touch me like that. They just put their hands on my wrist and my neck, and they tried to get my purse. But they didn’t touch me.”
They didn’t do what would’ve been the worst thing that any woman could deal with.
And I was lucky. I might be bruised, I might be broken, but I was lucky.
“Okay, we’re just going to finish checking you over, okay? And the cops are here, and they’re going to want to hear what you have to say. Your family’s here, too.”
I blinked again, trying to get my thoughts in order. I was fine. I was just fine. Just a little banged up. And once I got through the shock, I would be fine.
It could’ve been worse. It could’ve beensomuch worse.
And then I thought of Aiden.
“Aiden? Is he okay?” I knew my words were fast, my voice a little high. But he needed to be okay.
“The man who came in with you? He’s with another doctor right now. His family’s here, as well, and it seems that you all know each other. Once I’m allowed to give you his status, I will. But first, let’s just worry about you, okay?”
“He needs that hand. He needs to be okay. He’s a really great chef. You would love the Connolly Brewery. They’re really great. I mean, they used to be great before, but now they’re even better because the brothers are working together, you know? And I really think that you should try it. Aiden does this thing with tapas. He makes it really fancy, even though it’s not too fancy. So, it’s not like pretentious or anything. I really think you’d like it.”
I knew I was rambling, and the doctor just nodded and then started to check me over.
And then Harmony and Violet were there, with Meadow right on their tail.
Meadow hadn’t been out with us, but here she was, our new friend, our new fourth.
And then I could breathe again. Because I wasn’t alone. But I had to make sure that Aiden was okay.
Aiden had to be okay.
The doctor finished with me, and it turned out I only had a few bruises and scrapes. I would be fine and could go home soon.
I went through my statement and told the cops everything I could remember. They had found my phone, though the glass was shattered. They had found my keys and had handed them over.
I had been mugged, and yet I had everything that I’d had before.