Page 68 of Falling With You
“All in the family?” Derek asked. I just laughed.
“Apparently. Let me get to the back and help out with those nachos for you, and then I have some other things to do. But it was good to see you. I’m sure Sienna will see you guys if she comes in, too.”
“No problem. Thank you,” Derek said. I nodded at them before walking away.
Well, it seemed that Sienna had made fast friends, and I did like the pair. I didn’t venture out of my circle that often, considering I had just been in my kitchen before, only worrying about that and trying to move higher up in the ranks. I didn’t have time for friends. I hadn’t had time for my brothers either.
But then everything had changed, and now my life revolved around the bar, my family, and Sienna.
I just didn’t know what to do about that.
I worked up the nachos for Olivia and Derek, then handed them to Beckham directly so I could get back to work since we were getting busier.
Cameron was behind the bar with Beckham, while Dillon and Brendon were on the floor, keeping everything lively and on track.
Dillon could’ve been back here with me, but since we were a little busy, it was good to just focus and not have to worry about teaching. Not that I resented that, not in the slightest, but sometimes it took a little too long to train when I didn’t have that time.
Another hour passed, and I rolled my shoulders back as Beckham came in with an empty tray.
“Hey, it’s slowing a bit, and the brothers need you out front.”
He passed me without waiting for an answer. I just shrugged and handed over my kitchen to my staff before going out to the front. I might be the head chef, but I was also part owner, so I had to deal with more than just the back. Even though that might be exactly where I wanted to be for the night.
“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, keeping the growl out of my voice as much as possible. I was still on edge, cranky, and all I wanted to do was figure out what the fuck was going on with Sienna. But now was not the time.
“We’re slowing down since it’s only Thursday and there’s no game on tonight, so I figured you could have a taste of this new beer I got.”
I blinked. “We’re working. I’m not going to drink on duty.”
“You can have a sip because you’re not going back to that kitchen tonight. You aren’t on duty anymore. Your shift ends now.”
I folded my hands over my chest. “Excuse me?”
“You weren’t supposed to work tonight anyway. Remember? You were supposed to take the night off and work with me on inventory and maybe even taste the beers.”
I shook my head. “No, that’s tomorrow.”
“Yeah, because I was going to let us all have the night off on a Friday.”
I tried to think of my calendar and then shook my head.
“I’m really having an off day it seems.”
“Yes, you are. So, have a beer, taste it with me. And then let’s talk.”
I looked down at Dillon, who was sitting at the end of the bar with his textbooks in front of him and a glass of milk. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“Milk, young one?”
Dillon flipped me off without letting anyone see him. I just laughed.
“Beckham’s the one that poured it for me. I could have gone with like a soda or something or even water. But no, I get milk.”
“And as soon as your balls drop and you get that chest hair you’ve always been wanting, you’ll be able to get something other than milk,” Beckham said with a wink as he went back to help another customer.
“He’s getting better with those zingers,” Cameron said, smiling.
“I agree. Thankfully, it’s only with us and not the rest of the staff.”