Page 72 of Falling With You
He cupped my face and sighed, kissing me softly.
“I’m sorry about that. I won’t do it again. It was stupid, I just wanted to see you, and I didn’t think about anything else. It’s just been a long time since that sort of thing happened. And I’m not good at this.”
“Well, we’re going to get good at this.”
“I’m sorry about the food. I thought you liked it before. I was wrong.”
“I liked it because Allison did,” I said honestly. And then I leaned into his chest for a hug before pulling back. “We’re very complicated, so yeah, it’s going to hurt sometimes. We’ll figure out exactly what my favorite food of yours is so that you can bring it to me. Or you can bring a variety of things as long as you don’t think it’s my favorite because it was Allison’s.”
“Yeah, that was a mistake on my part.”
“And I probably shouldn’t have been so harsh about it when you brought it. But it was just one thing on top of another.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Just don’t push me out and walk out like you did again, okay?”
“I can’t promise that. My temper gets the best of me sometimes. I’m trying to do better about it, but I’m not great about it.”
I kissed him again.
“Maybe we need to talk about that, too.”
“I was never good at therapy.”
“I’m not good at it either, but maybe it’ll help.”
“And then we can talk.”
He kissed me hard and then smiled against my lips. “You know I’m at work.”
I pushed at him, laughing. “You’re outside of your work. But if it’s a problem, I won’t kiss you.”
“Kiss me all you want. I kind of own the place. And I know it’s completely different than your place of business and how things work. I’m not going to be that asshole again.”
“Thank you.”
“I noticed that you’re not contradicting the fact that I said I was an asshole.”
“The first step in fixing a problem is realizing you have one.”
“Sure, whatever you say. You know, the guys kinda kicked me off the job for the night. Do you want me to take you home?”
“I took the light rail in, so that would be nice.”
“Let me grab my things.”
He kissed me again, and I sighed into him, hoping this would work. Because I loved him. I loved him so much that it was scary. But I wasn’t ready to tell him. That time would come. We just needed to work out the kinks in the first part of our relationship. And then we could get to the whole love and future thing.
“Do you want me to stay over tonight?” Aiden asked as we got into his car.
“That would be nice. But what about Diego?”